Goal: To make a unique instrument out of PVC Pipe PVC Pipe Instrument Goal: To make a unique instrument out of PVC Pipe Jim Pepper
Where We Left Off… Pipes Completed Frame Needed to be Built Objective- Portability, Easy to Assemble Legs and Lower Frame More PVC
The Finished Project Not screwed together, straps needed for support New “mallet”- Wood with mouse pad that is looser Playable in the same way as a xylophone
Off? Some lengths were off. Note Desired Frequency Tube Length Estimate Freq Ratios Length Exact Difference- Estimate to Exact Ratios to Exact C 130.81 48.27814196 49 48.25 0.028141962 0.721858038 C#/Db 138.59 45.61006386 46.2315 46.25 -0.639936143 0.621436143 D 146.83 43.0925475 43.659 43.23 -0.137452496 0.566452496 D#/Eb 155.56 40.71629114 41.1845 41 -0.283708858 0.468208858 E 164.81 38.47317365 38.8815 37.75 0.723173655 0.408326345 F 174.61 36.35595756 36.71 36 0.355957563 0.354042437 F#/Gb 185 34.35625 34.643 33.75 0.60625 0.28675 G 196 32.47018495 32.7075 32 0.470184949 0.237315051 G#/Ab 207.55 30.70498073 30.8455 31.5 -0.795019272 0.140519272 A 220 29.00980114 29.1305 28 1.009801136 0.120698864 A#/Bb 233.08 27.42391561 27.489 26.25 1.173915608 0.065084392 B 246.94 25.9267889 25.945 25.25 0.676788896 0.018211104 261.63 24.51316267 24.5 25 -0.486837328 -0.013162672 Some lengths were off. First, the estimate from the equation (Length=12434.3125/(2*Frequency) + Radius) Second, estimate based on frequency ratios Third, exact measurement from instrument
Is the Pitch Off? Predicted Pitch Pitch Desired Freq. Actual Freq. Difference Predicted length Actual Length 48 48.25 130.81 132.715498 1.905498 47.59574391 0.654256 49 49.1 138.59 139.394167 0.804167 45.35126555 46.25 0.898734 50 50.1 146.83 147.682975 0.852975 42.84798887 43.23 0.382011 51 155.56 155.563492 0.003492 40.71539404 41 0.284606 52 52.05 164.81 165.290467 0.480467 38.3635197 37.75 -0.61352 53 53.05 174.61 175.11915 0.50915 36.25243506 36 -0.25244 54 185 184.997211 -0.00279 34.35675658 33.75 -0.60676 55 196 195.997718 -0.00228 32.47055427 32 -0.47055 56 207.55 207.652349 0.102349 30.69021636 31.5 0.809784 57 57.3 220 223.845532 3.845532 28.52431467 28 -0.52431 58 58.1 233.08 234.43211 1.35211 27.27007116 26.25 -1.02007 59 58.8 246.94 244.105284 -2.83472 26.21915885 25.25 -0.96916 60 59.85 261.63 259.368544 -2.26146 24.72035563 25 0.279644 Using a chromatic tuner, found each pitch difference in cents Used the equation 440*2^((Pitch-69)/12) to get the actual frequency
Sound End Correction- Pipe, 2 open ends From Benson Wave Equation Effective length longer than actual length by approx. 3/5 of tube width -Sound coming out of it If this were the case, each would have to be shorter Difference is scattered, both + and - Pipe, 2 open ends Wave Equation ∂²p/∂²x² = 1/c²*∂²p/∂t² Could then be cutting error
Conclusion Despite slight differences in length, each pitch is still identifiable with its respective note Full 12 note octave can be played as well as all intervals