+ Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher’s Page Ms. Sell, Ms. Zulli, and Ms. Schaffer’s Time Telling WebQuest
+ Introduction Lets Learn How To Tell Time People use time everyday all day. You can use time for Waking up…
+ Introduction Continued Catching the School Bus …
+ Introduction Continued Knowing when its time for RECESS! Start with this lesson (Click here)(Click here)
+ Task Be able to plan your day with time. You will learn how to tell time down to the minute. You will be able to read the clock without the help of a teacher. Watching this video will help you get started. (Click this Video)
+ Process Practice your time telling skills with games (Click Game 1) (Click Game 2) Pick two worksheets to print out, complete, and return to the teacher for a grade. (Click Worksheet Number 1) (Click Worksheet Number 2) (Click Worksheet Number 3) (Click Worksheet Number 4)
+ Evaluation Each worksheet has 6 questions You must do 2 worksheets That is a total of 12 points possible Each one wrong is one less point earned Good Luck and Aim for 12!
+ Conclusion You should now be able to more easily read clocks. Congratulations! You know about the hours, half hours, quarter hours, and minutes. Think of all the ways you can use a clock everyday. Talk about it with some of your classmates and family.
+ Teacher’s Page Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards Key Learning Area: Logical Mathematics Standard: Develop and use measurement concepts Indicator: LM 4.1 Demonstrate awareness of measurement attributes (length, volume, weight, area, time…) Example – The child will: Identify clocks for telling time, thermometers for telling the temperature Grade level: End of first grade to Second grade.