The Lebanese Association of Food Scientists and Technologists was established in Beirut, Lebanon in 1996 to satisfy the need of the increasing number of Food Scientists and Technologists for our association of their own focused on their interests. It is non political, non-profit association. The main aim of The Lebanese Association of Food Scientists and Technologists is to enhance the conditions of the food industry by the sound application of the sciences and technologies and by spreading knowledge concerning the technology of food processing. The Lebanese Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (LAoFST)
This aim is accomplished by: 1) Publications: magazines and leaflets to spread knowledge and promote communications and exchange of information. 2) Education: helping local industries in their food technology programs. 3) Organizing lectures, workshops, conferences and scientific exhibitions. 4) The technical situation: enhancing and advancing the technical capabilities of food technologists. The Lebanese Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (LAoFST)
5) Research: supporting scientific research directed towards the advancement of the food industry. 6) Expressing opinions in regulations and legislations pertaining to the food industry. 7) Consumer education on how to handle food products and spreading nutritional information through the media. 8) Establishing technical and scientific committees as needed. The Lebanese Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (LAoFST)
The Association holds several activities during the year in the form of meetings and workshop in academic in the form of meetings and workshop in academic universities such as AUB. Quite often, meetings are held in association with the universities such as AUB. Quite often, meetings are held in association with the Lebanese Syndicate of Food Industries. The following list indicates the topics of the major meetings and workshop held: - Training needs for the Food Service Providers - What is the role of Food Technologists? - Technology Capabilities for the Major Government Food Laboratories in Lebanon - Work opportunities For Food Technologists - Chemistry and Technology of Frying Oils - Food Quality Control and Nutrition Facts - Food Laws in Lebanon - New UHT Processing of Middle Eastern Foods and Dips ( The Lebanese Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (LAoFST)
- Discussion of Food Standards - How to stars your own Food Business - General Discussion on Food Laws and Inspection in Lebanon - Pest Management in Food Establishments - General Business meeting of the Association - FDA process Filling for Low-Acid foods, and Better Process Control School - Use of Prebiotecs in Food Manufacturing - Winning Partnership: A Model System for University-Food Industry Cooperation - Bioterrorism Acts and the Food Supply Chain. The Lebanese Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (LAoFST)
Phone C/O Mobile Mail Address C/O 126 Sourati St, Lions Bldg.,Beirut , Lebanon The Lebanese Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (LAoFST)