EUROSIG: the European Special Interest Group of the AGI Massimo Craglia Sheffield Centre for Geographic Information and Spatial Analysis
Outline The Association for Geographic Information (AGI) The Special Interest Groups The EUROSIG
The AGI Established in 1989, following the Chorley Commission Report Mission: - to spread the benefits of geographic information amongst the widest possible community - to help all users and vendors of geographic information and GIS
Informing, Influencing, Acting Informing: the AGI ensures that members are kept up to date on all aspects relevant to their needs. This is done through a regular newsletter and mailings, seminars, publications on key topics, conferences (including Europe's biggest devoted to GIS) and articles in the trade press
Informing, Influencing, Acting Influencing: as many of AGI's members are themselves in Government departments and agencies, the AGI has an invaluable entree into decision-making at the highest level. The AGI belongs to the Parliamentary IT committee (PITCOM) and maintains close links with influential parliamentarians. The AGI is also a founder member of EUROGI
Informing, Influencing, Acting Acting: wherever necessary, the AGI will take decisive action to protect members' interests. For example,the AGI is active in the British and international GI standards arena. Where new legislation might impact on the exploitation of GI, the AGI is a vigorous lobbyist on members' behalf.
AGI Over 1000 members from industry, government, academia, and voluntary organisations, Structure: –Council –Corporate Affairs Committee –Direct Action Committee –Information and Education Committee
Special Interest Groups European Environment Survey and mapping Emergency services Business Health Marine and coastal zone management
The EUROSIG Preliminary discussions at the AGI’s Conference in October 1998 First meeting in January 1999 Mission: 'to help the AGI membership to obtain the benefits of greater involvement within the wider Europe'
Objectives 1. to provide and support bi-directional information flows between AGI members and others in Europe 2. to improve European business opportunities for AGI membership 3. to provide guidance for involvement in European projects and initiatives 4. to develop and promote AGI member views on relevant European policy matters 5. to develop closer links with EUROGI 6. to enable those interested in lobbying MEP's and European institutions 7. to advise the AGI Council and committees on pan- European initiatives and opportunities
Activities Evening meeting on 18th March to introduce 5th Framework and IST call Day meeting on 10th May to examine progress on GI2000 and discuss Green paper on Public Sector Information Web site with information about opportunities for funding, and potential partners
Achievements Greater awareness among AGI members of opportunities within EC R&D programme Key input into AGI’s response to Green paper publicsector/pdf/agi.pdf
Future Activities Evening seminar to update on R&D and policy developments in Europe Session at the AGI conference, London, September 99 Web development with forms to register interest in participating to R&D projects.
Management of EUROSIG John Rowley, Geobase Consultants (Chair) Kritee Apjee, AGI Max Craglia, University of Sheffield John Glover, Intergraph Mike Jackson, Laserscan John Leonard, CERCO Roger Longhorn, IDG-UK Ltd
Conclusions The Eurosig has a key role to play in increasing and supporting the exchange of experiences and strategic alliances between UK and European GI community. This is a two-way link UK-Europe to develop both the market and the policies.