Safety Matters: developing practice in safeguarding adults Directors’ Policy Forum 19 June 2008
So what is a change project? Identify an area of practice adult protection/safeguarding adults Takes account of the available evidence research evidence and practitioner wisdom Pilots new ways of working and evaluates the impact …you can still get involved
The story so far… Co-facilitated by Bridget Penhale, University of Sheffield April 07: Idea generation June 07: Expert Knowledge Exchange Sept 07 – Feb 08: Development Group
8 Partner agencies involved Bracknell Forest Cornwall Essex Oxfordshire Plymouth Warrington Wigan Wolverhampton
Pilot handbook Safeguarding staff 7 sections Practice resources
Research evidence and practitioner wisdom Incorporated throughout by: Key messages Reflective journal extracts Discussion points Good practice suggestions Group exercises Practice resources and Case Studies
Adult abuse – what do we mean? Who is vulnerable? What is abuse? Types of abuse Where does abuse take place? Abuse as a criminal offence Whose responsibility? Societal responsibility What is adult safeguarding?
Overview and perspectives Historical perspectives Adults with learning disabilities Adults with mental health difficulties Adults with physical disabilities Older adults and elder abuse Contextual matters Models of adult protection
Process and procedures Local practice Assessment stage alert; referral; decision Multi-agency processes strategy meeting; assessment; safeguarding plan; review; recording Closure Confidentiality
Partnership working and multi-agency teams Communication and information sharing Barriers and enablers in partnership working Organisational culture Roles and responsibilities Adult protection leads Adult Protection Committee membership Practical suggestions
Risk What do we mean by risk? Risk assessment what does a risk assessment involve? things to consider when conducting a risk assessment who to include in the process how to use the results of a risk assessment
Risk cont. Risk management Multi-agency risk assessment conferences (MARAC) What strategies can be put in place to manage risk Risk management in the context of self- directed support
Service user involvement Suggestions from current practice Capacity and adult protection Protecting people who lack capacity through the Mental Capacity Act The use of Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCAs) for people who lack capacity
Involvement cont. Information sharing with family members and carers Involvement of service users in strategy meetings Information, advice and guidance documents
Methodology and background Change project process Why adult protection/safeguarding? Where we are now and how to get involved References
Practice resources Oxfordshire’s service assessment tool Essex risk assessment Plymouth vulnerable adults risk management meeting Wolverhampton care pathway service user involvement Warrington ‘best interest’ decision checklist Cornwall ‘Say no to abuse’ poster
Pilot practitioner guide All staff Enough information to: recognise abuse respond appropriately know where to go for more help and advice 17 sections References Sources of further info
Practitioner guide Introduction and purpose of this guide What is abuse? Who is at risk of abuse and where does it happen? Overview of adult protection processes Raising and dealing with an adult protection alert Multi-agency adult protection processes Confidentiality, communication and information sharing
Practitioner guide cont. Partnership working and multi-agency teams Roles and responsibilities in adult protection Risk Indicators of abuse Risk assessment Essex risk assessment guidance Capacity and the Mental Capacity Act Warrington guidance on capacity Independent Mental Capacity Advocates
Where next… Pilot Group only 2 applications so far! Regional Pilot Workshops Sheffield 30 September Birmingham 2 October London7 October Bristol8 October
What are the benefits? I feel more confident to raise matters regarding safeguarding and present research as evidence to support a proposal regarding the development of projects which require safeguarding matters to be addressed as part of the core business of the project, rather than as an after thought.