AFL Audit given to students to be completed about their Maths lessons during registration time. It gave a really good picture of what needed to be developed across the department. I have used it with several departments as a basis for Identifying areas for development. It is based on the AFL rating grid developed by the National Strategy group. AFL Audit Chris McAree Trinity School, Cumbria.
I am always clear about what we are learning. I am allowed to decide with my group how to tackle the task we are given. I walk in looking forward to the lesson. My teacher tells me what we are learning. I will volunteer answers without being asked and like to discuss my work with others. I understand what I am going to learn and can connect it to other work I have done. I understand what I have to do. I listen to everyone else and can accept other views. I know what the learning outcomes for the lesson are. I talk to my class mates so that together we learn and understand the work better. I answer questions and join in discussions when asked by the teacher. I work in groups and discuss our work. When my work is marked my teacher tells me how to improve it next time. I am allowed to mark my own work. I work by myself and I am not allowed to talk to my classmates about what I am doing. I understand how my work is marked. I know when I have been successful in a lesson. Everyone will join in discussions and listens carefully. I know what the objectives of the lesson are. I understand what will make my work the best it can be. I mark other peoples work and can tell them how to improve it. I understand what I have to produce by the end of the lesson. CUT OUT THE STATEMENTS AND STICK THEM ON THE RESPONSE SHEET. REMEMBER TO BE HONEST….
AlwaysSometimesRarely What I do in my lessons…..