b Sheet b Sheet of paper b Something b Something to write with b Listening b Listening ears b Thinking b Thinking cap b Respectful b Respectful manners
b To teach students what self-image is, how it is formed, how it relates to behavior, how it may be improved. b Major Objectives: Define “self-image” Discuss how self-image is formed Identify ways to increase self-image Identify something that makes your proud.
b Think of 4 adjectives or short phrases to describe yourself b Students share with class (volunteer) b Things to think about: Are you happy with the phrases you chose? b Does this give a complete picture or you?
b Beliefs and attitudes (or mental picture) we have of ourselves.
b What makes us see ourselves the way that we do? b What past experiences have affected the way you feel about yourself?
b Through what others think of us and our past experiences- successes and failures.
b Find the positive in every situation b Solve the problem…don’t make it worse. b Make someone’s day! b SMILE