Lessons learned from pilot studies Irina Tochitskaya Istanbul, Turkey November 2008 Trade and Human Development Workshop
Outline review of pilot studies challenges and lessons learned from the process
Why do the pilot studies matter? specifics of the trade-human development nexus varies from country to country, and from sector to sector the only way to know the reality, and thus to properly inform policy-making is through empirical research
Contributors countries’ research teams conduct study on the most salient linkages at the national level KazakhstanKazakhstan KyrgyzstanKyrgyzstan UzbekistanUzbekistan which is complemented by research from the international level International expertsInternational experts
Research rests on assumptions: we want to increase human well-being on an economically and environmentally sustainable basis trade and trade policy should primarily work toward that end rather than increased trade flows links between trade and human development run in both directions Human development Economic growth and trade
Studies supported some general conclusions drawn in empirical literature liberalizing trade does not automatically ensure human development (Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan) increasing trade does not always have a positive impact on human development (Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan). trade policy has very different effects on women and men (Kyrgyzstan) It was hard to give an unambiguously positive answer to the question: “Does the current trade regime enable Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan to design policies that promote human development?”
Some positive points of the studies the first time that researchers have tackled the human development-type issues in CIS they may contribute to the mainstreaming of human development in trade dialog
Some shortcomings of the studies scope of the research was too broad, lack of guidance (Toolkit on human development impact assessment of trade policy) reports are too focused on the trends in foreign trade policy making process and less emphasizes the way in which trade influenced/ influences/ or might influence people’s lives (e.g. poverty, employment, education, gender, environment and etc ) too much emphasis on description of foreign trade regulation exports/imports with high potential for human development and less potential for human development (impact on employment, environment, health, education, gender issue and etc) are not fully addressed
Lessons learned reports represent the fist attempt in CIS to address human development impact assessment of trade policy but more holistic framework is needed tighter ToR is needed and as well as detailed template of the report structure Guidance/Toolkit on human development impact assessment of trade policy is needed
Lessons learned (II) continuous framework for the development of trade policy and human development is needed. The studies should not be the end of the story. They should pave the way for setting up a mechanism for long-term inter-regional cooperation on trade and human development macro perspective is an important stage, but only part of the story. Specific ways of addressing human development concerns should be identified, i.e. ask what specific micro- initiatives work, and perhaps suggest ideas to support them interaction of international consultants and local researchers is needed (international consultant spend time in each country; workshops)face-to-face contact is needed (international consultant spend time in each country; workshops) researchers also appear to have considered themselves to be consultants. They had a conflicting role as 'student' and consultantresearchers also appear to have considered themselves to be consultants. They had a conflicting role as 'student' and consultant
The findings of the studies: should be of interest to all those who work on these issues should be shared with governments and civil society with the aim of creating national networks of interested stakeholders revealed the need for more research, capacity building reveal the need for strategic trade policy, i.e. active promotion of sectors with long-term dynamic comparative advantage, using such tools as tariffs and subsidies. It is not enough to rely on minerals and resources.
Thank you