Once upon a time there was a poor glass maker. He was asked by the king to make a square window for his grand palace.
The palace sat on the topmost part of a very steep and high mountain, making it difficult for the glass maker to reach.
The glass maker finished the glass window and started on his journey up the steep mountain to deliver the special window to the palace of the king. As the glass maker climbed higher and higher, the mountain got steeper and steeper making it difficult for him to carry the window up the mountain. Suddenly he stumbled on a rock and fell.
Alas, the window broke into seven pieces! Try as he might, the glass maker could not put the window back into its original square. The glass maker was very discouraged and wanted to give up. After trying and trying again and again to fix the window, something wonderful occurred.
Magically, a winged horse emerged from the broken pieces!
Magically, each time the glass maker arranged the pieces another beautiful creature sprang forth! He decided to show the unusual window to the king and continued his journey.
The king was so pleased with the magic window that he asked the glass maker and his family to live in his castle and make glass windows for his entire kingdom.
The glass maker didn’t give up! His misfortune, became his fortune!