1. What stage of the cell cycle is this? Telophase G1 of interphase Metaphase Prophase Anaphase G2 of interphase G1
2. What is reproduction in bacteria called? Binary fission
3. What is the arrow pointing to? Cleavage furrow
4. What stage of the cell cycle is this? Telophase G1 of interphase Metaphase Prophase Anaphase G2 of interphase Prophase
5. What kind of reproduction is this? Budding (asexual)
6. Which pair shows a pair of homologous chromosomes? B Curly hair A B
7. What stage of the cell cycle is this? Telophase G1 of interphase Metaphase Prophase Anaphase G2 of interphase Telophase
8. What is the arrow pointing to? Spindle fiber
9. What stage of the cell cycle is this? Telophase G1 of interphase Metaphase Prophase Anaphase G2 of interphase Anaphase
10. Collectively, what do DNA and histones make? Chromatin; nucleosome
11. What stage of the cell cycle is this? Telophase G1 of interphase Metaphase Prophase Anaphase G2 of interphase Metaphase
12. Write the vocab. word that corresponds to each letter. A: single, unreplicated chromosome B: replicated chromosome C: sister chromatid D: centromere
13. What is the arrow pointing to? Centrosome
14. What stage of the cell cycle is this? Telophase G1 of interphase Metaphase Prophase Anaphase G2 of interphase G2
15. What is metastasis? The spread of malignant cells through the circulatory system
16. What is density dependent inhibition? Many normal cells will stop dividing when they run out of space.
17. What is anchorage dependence? Many cells need to be attached to something in order to divide (another cell, an organ lining)
1. What stage of the cell cycle is this? G1 of interphase G1
2. What is reproduction in bacteria called? Binary fission Binary fission
3. What is the arrow pointing to? Cleavage furrow Cleavage furrow
4. What stage of the cell cycle is this? Prophase Prophase
5. What kind of reproduction is this? Budding (asexual) budding
6. Which pair shows a pair of homologous chromosomes? B Curly hair A B
7. What stage of the cell cycle is this? Telophase Telophase
8. What is the arrow pointing to? Spindle fiber Spindle fiber
9. What stage of the cell cycle is this? Anaphase Anaphase
10. Collectively, what do DNA and histones make? chromatin Chromatin; nucleosome
11. What stage of the cell cycle is this? Metaphase Metaphase
12. Write the vocab word that corresponds to each letter. A. Unreplicated chromosome B. Replicated chromosome C. Sister chromatid D. Centromere A: single, unreplicated chromosome B: replicated chromosome C: sister chromatid D: centromere
13. What is the arrow pointing to? centrosome Centrosome
14. What stage of the cell cycle is this? G2 of interphase G2
15. What is metastasis? The spread of malignant cells through the circulatory system The spreading of malignant tumors from one part of the body to others.
16. What is density dependent inhibition? When cell division is prohibited by over-crowding. Many normal cells will stop dividing when they run out of space.
17. What is anchorage dependence? Many cells need to be attached to something in order to divide (another cell, an organ lining) The cellular need for something to attach to before division can take place.
What is the arrow pointing to? Chromatin (or, one unreplicated chromosome)
12. What is the arrow pointing to? chromatin Chromatin (or, one unreplicated chromosome)