Grade 11 University Biology – Unit 2 Genetics Jeopardy 1 Cell CycleMitosisMeiosisMonohybrid Cross Dihybrid Cross
It consists of two stages of growth and one stage of division
What is the Cell Cycle? (Cell Cycle stages are Interpahse, Mitosis and Cytokinesis)
The phase in Interphase during which the cell prepares for division and the centrioles replicate
What is Growth 2 or Gap 2 (G2)? Interphase has three stages: G1 – Rapid growth and metabolism S – DNA synthesis and replication G2 – Preparation for division and centriole replication
During this stage, (1) spindle fibres break down and disappear, (2) a nuclear membrane form around each of the two new sets of chromosomes and (3) the cytoplasm divides between the two halves of the cell
What is Cytokinesis?
It consists of two sister chromatids held together by a centromere
What is Chromosome?
They are identical genetic copies of each other
What are Sister Chromatids?
Increase the number of cells, regenerate damage tissues, and replace dead cells
What is the function of mitosis?
Third phase of mitosis where the centromeres splits apart and the chromatids are pulled to the opposite poles of the cell by the spindle fibre
What is Anaphase?
The product of mitosis
What is two genetically identical Daughter Cells?
Caused by toxic substances, radiation or viruses, these changes become permanent error and become copied during Prophase
What are Mutations?
In plant cells, this must develop between the two newly forming cells in order for cell walls to properly separate
What is a Cell Plate?
The production of reproductive cells called gametes
What is the function of Meiosis?
Similar chromosomes that form pairs during Prophase I
What are Homologous chromosomes?
It occurs in Prophase I when non-sister chromatids wind around each other and exchange segments of chromosomes to create new genetic combinations in the gametes
What is Crossing Over?
What is the number of phases in Meiosis?
It is term defining the end result of meiosis (i.e., the production of gametes that are either egg or sperm)
What is Gametogenesis?
When this allele is present, it is the trait that will always be expressed (i.e., appears)
What is Dominant?
The offspring produced by cross of the two different purebred parents of the P Generation
What is Filial Generation or F 1 Generation or Hybrid?
It is the law that states that inherited traits are determined by pairs of “factors” AND the factors separate so that there is one factor in each gamete
What is the Law of Segregation?
The Mendelian Ratio in the F 2 Generation that occurs in a monohybrid cross
What is 3:1? (Dominant Trait is expressed 75% of the time and the Recessive Trait occurs 25% of the time)
Term for an organism with one dominant allele and one recessive allele
What is Heterozygous Dominant?
What is a heterozygous dominant gentoype?
It is the ratio of F 2 Generation offspring produced by crossing two hybrid F 1 Generation organisms (i.e., heterozygous dominant)
What is 9:3:3:1?
It is the only way the recessive traits can be expressed in the F 2 Generation of a dihybrid cross
What is if all alleles in the genotype are recessive (e.g., pprr)?
It is the law that states that the inheritance of alleles for one trait do not affect the inheritance of alleles for another trait
What is the Law of Independent Assortment?
Genetic cross between hybrids that differ in two traits
What is a Dihybrid Cross?