Web Services, SOAP, and WSDL CSCI 4300
Web Services for B2B communication
Technology involved for remote procedure call Web Service Description Language is the API SOAP is the message envelope HTTP is the transport layer
Remote Method Invocation Low-level Requires all parts written in Java CORBA is one attempt to get around this issue
JAX RPC layered over RMI
Simple SOAP message
SOAP headers and body Headers: Security credentials Transaction IDS Routing instructions Payment tokens Etc. etc. Body: Actual message content
Application-specific header example
A security header
Processing SOAP messages In particular, JAX-RPC implements remote procedure calls by exchanging SOAP messages
Modular processing
Message passing: multiple actors
Who processes the headers? A node which has identified itself with this processing role will process this header.
SOAP use case
Sequential processing Processing nodes can add and remove headers The Inventory node can add an authentication header and force the next node to process it
Web Services Description Language
“portType”: a service access point
Operation types
WSDL – SOAP binding The binding determines the format of the SOAP message that will transport a service
UDDI: the Yellow Pages
Acknowledgements Auto parts example: mple.html mple.html