TIENEN 5 MINUTOS Page 25 Unit 2, Section A, Day 7 Hoy es el _13/14____ de _marzo____ del __2013________ Objective : ________I can prepare for the Unit 2A Test________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ __ Vocab/Ideas : __Daily routine review________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Vámonos : _____Translate the following sentences:____________________ _1. The government wakes up early._______________________________ _2. The palm tree washes its face in the rain. ______________________ _3. I take off my clothes, then I put on my pijamas._________________ _4. First we wake up, later we get up.______________________________
VÁMONOS 1. The government wakes up early. 2. The palm tree washes its face in the rain. 3. I take off my clothes, then I put on my pijamas. 4. First we wake up, later we get up. El gobierno se levanta temprano. La palmera se lava la cara en la lluvia. Me quito la ropa, entonces me pongo las pijamas. Primero nos despertamos, luego nos levantamos.
GROUP GAME: MATAMOSCAS I will divide the classroom into 2 teams. Each team will line up in front of the board. When I say the word in English, the first person will “swat” the word on the board. They will then tell me the word/phrase in Spanish. For the team to get the point, everyone in line must be doing the action to go along with the word.
Me baño Me cepillo los dientes Me duermo Me pongo la ropa Me levanto Me lavo la cara Me acuesto Me seco con una toalla Me despierto
LEARNING STYLES RESOURCES It is time to use each other’s learning styles resources! You will have a set amount of time to rotate around the room trying out different people’s learning styles resources. The computers will be available for those that missed a day to watch that day’s powerpoints. On the projector I will be showing the daily routine video and listening comprehension.
PÁGINA 26 Behavior Reflection : Today I rated my behavior as a (1 worst, 10 best) ____ because ______ ________________________________________________________________ My behavior impacted my learning and participation in a ___________ way because ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ In the future my behavior will _____________ because I will _________ ________________________________________________________________ Content Reflection: Two things I understood today were: ______________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Two things I did not understand today were: _______________________ ________________________________________________________________
PÁGINA 26 Exit Ticket: Answer the following questions in Spanish. 1. What ending do you replace “o” with to talk about “him/her”? 2. What phrases do you replace Step 1 with to say “at [certain time]”? 3. What do you replace “ me ” with to talk about “you”? 4. Write out the phrase for “we brush our hair”. 5. Write out the phrase for “at 6:00PM”.
TAREA Quiz next class period on Daily routine! Use your learning styles resource to study!