compilers compilers
Q1>A translator converts _____________into______________.
Source program to object or target program
Q2>The time of conversion from source program into object program is called ________time. a)runtime b)boot time c)fresh time d)compile time
compile time
Q3>The program execution is done in compiler in_________________.
Q4>_______________________+______ ______________=compilation. a)Analysis +Synthesis b)Analysis +Compile c)Compile +Synthesis d)Analysis +Execute
Analysis and Synthesis
Q5>The analysis phase is often called the _______________ of a compiler.
Front end
Q6>What are the 3 phases of analysis phase?
a)Lexical Analysis b)Synthesis Analysis c)Semantic Analysis
Q7>Syntax of any programming language is specified in terms of units called __________________.
Tokens or terminals
Q8>Syntax Analyzer is otherwise known as _____________. a)Scanner b)Parser c)Lexeme d) Sub scripter
Q9>What are the work of a semantic analyzer?
a)Type Checking b)Type Conversions
Q10>The synthesis phase is the ____________of a program.
Back end
Q11>What are the stages of synthesis of target program?
Memory allocation Code generation and optimization
Q12>Code optimization is done for-
faster and shorter code
Q13>_____________ is a data structure that is used by the compiler to hold the information about source program constructs.
Symbol table
Q14>What are the role of a compiler?
-Lexical Analyzer -Syntactic Analyzer -Semantic Analyzer -Code generator -Code optimizer -Error reporter
Q17>Code generation and optimization is not a part of synthesis phase a)True b)False
Q18>The first compiler was written by _____________ in ________for A-0 system language
Grace Hopper,1952
Q19>Who invented first complete compiler?
The FORTRAN team led by John W.Backus at IBM in
Q20>___________ was one of the early commercial computers that used vacuum tubes.
Q21>The first known demonstrated cross platform high level language was_____________. a)FORTRAN b)COBOL c)BASIC d)ALGOL
Q22>A compiler that can be written in the programming language it compiles-
Self hosted
Q23>The first self hosting compiler was written for LISP by_______________and ______________ in
Tim Hart and Mike Levin
Q24>Structure of a compiler depends on 3 factors. What are they?
Nature of the source language Machine architecture and configuration Aims of compiler
Q25>Different types of compiler structure are-
Single pass compiler Multipass compiler Conventional compiler Compilers for permissive language Incremental compiler
Q26>Strike the one out which doesn’t match for single pass compilers. -All the stages executed in single flow -Memory requirement is small -Code generated is inefficient -Faster execution
memory requirement is small
Q27>Pascal and FORTRAN are example of ______________compiler.
single pass
Q28>____________is an example of multipass compiler.
Q29>A clear cut distinction between analysis and synthesis phase is brought is _________________ a)conventional b)Incremental c)Singlepass d)Multipass
Q30>C is a _________________ type of compilers.
Q31>___________________is a language that allows declarations to be placed anywhere in a program.
Permissive language
Q32>Incremental compilers are invented by ______________ and __________________ in 1973 that combine the main advantages of compilers and interpreters.
Berthaud and Griffiths
Q33>IBM visual age c++ compiler is a ______________ compiler.
Q34>IBM/360 FORTRAN H compiler is _______________ compilers.
Q35>A concept of developing a compiler for a language by using subsets of the same language is called_______________. a)Bootstrapping b)Cross-compilation c)Incremental Compilation d)None of the above
Boot strapping
Q36>A compiler which runs on one machine and generates code for another machine is called as ______________. a)Bootstrapping b)Cross-compilation c)Incremental Compilation d)None of the above
Cross compilation
Q37>A cross compiler is a compiler which runs on one machine and generates code for another machine a)True b)False
Q38>Process of generating code on one machine for executing on another is called ________________.
Cross Compilation