Intramural Flag Football
Kevin Sneed-Assistant Director or Lacee Glenn– Graduate Assistant or Ethan Cobb-Undergraduate Assistant Intramural Sports Contact Info:
Captains must take a “Captain’s Quiz”, and pass, by getting 27/30 correct, before registering a team on IMLeagues. Registration Deadline: 09/09/2014 Participants must take a “Participant’s Quiz”, and pass with a 100% before joining a team on IMLeagues. If a team forfeits a game, they may pay a $10 “Forfeit Fee” within 48 hours to remain eligible for playoffs. Failure to do so will result in removal from league. Second forfeit is automatic removal. Any team with a.500 record and a 3.0 average Sportsmanship Rating will make the playoffs. New Rules and Policies
Teams must maintain an average Sportsmanship Rating of 3.0 throughout playoffs, or they will not advance. Any team with 2 ejected players and/or spectators during the playoffs will not advance. Using someone else’s ID will result in a suspension for 1 calendar year. New Rules and Policies
Information Disbursement Conduct of Players and Spectators Rosters, Risk Waivers, and Player Eligibility Knowledge of all IM Policies and Regulations Contact IM Office (Defaults, Forfeits, etc.) Schedules and Scores Captain’s Responsibilities
First Forfeit-Team may pay a $10 “Forfeit Fee” at the front desk of the SRWC within 48 hours of forfeit, in order to remain eligible for playoffs. Failure to pay will result in removal from league. A second forfeit will result in automatic removal from league. DEFAULT-If you know you cannot make a game, contact the IM Office by 1:00pm that day. You will not be charged with a forfeit, just a loss.. Forfeit & Default Policy
Intramural Sports is a student-run program, our officials are your peers. Please treat them with the same respect as you would want to be treated. Our officials receive ongoing, comprehensive training. We expect you to treat staff with respect. When that respect is breached, there will be consequences. You are responsible for your actions at all times. Nobody likes a poor sport. Sportsmanship
Teams receive a Sportsmanship Rating from officials and Supervisors (0-4). This applies to before, during and after games. Must have average of 3 to be eligible for playoffs If Sportsmanship Rating average drops below 3.0 during the playoffs, the team will not advance. Highest possible grade with an ejection is a 2 (Rare). Any ejected player(s) are immediately ineligible and must meet with the Assistant Director and Graduate Assistant. Captains assistance in these matters is required. Sportsmanship
Can only protest a rule discrepancy (not officials judgment), and player eligibility. To protest a rule discrepancy, you must immediately inform the IM Supervisor. IM Supervisor will make decision on the field. Protest Policy
Participants must check in with a photo ID before EVERY game. Forms of ID can include: School ID, Driver’s License, Passport, etc. Facebook profiles and pictures of IDs do not count. Attempting to use someone else’s/false ID will result in suspension for 1 calendar year, confiscation of ID, and possible action against team if they have knowledge. ID Policy
No jewelry, EXCEPT medical bracelets and wedding bands. Proper attire and equipment (no shorts with pockets, no open-toed shoes, no headbands with knots) Must be on IMLeagues roster by game time. Rules and Regulations can be found on our website. Not knowing a guideline is not an excuse for breaking one. GAME TIME IS FORFEIT TIME General Policies and Procedures
Intramural Champion t-shirts for members of the team (maximum of 14). Picture posted on IM Facebook page. Awards
Schedules will be posted online, it is your responsibility to check the schedules In most of the major team sports, a team will have the option of choosing a skill level of either "A" or "B" that is best suited to their interest and/or playing ability. Schedules
Any teams with a.500 record or better, and a 3.0 average Sportsmanship Rating or better will make the playoffs. All tournaments will be single elimination. Teams will play at different times, on different days from the regular season. If any team drops below an average Sportsmanship Rating of 3.0 at any time during the playoffs, they will not advance. Playoffs
Teams must maintain an average Sportsmanship Rating of at least a 3.0 throughout the playoffs. Any team that fails to do so will not advance. For example: If “Team A” has an average Sportsmanship Rating of exactly 3.0 going into a playoff game against “Team B”, and they proceed to get a Sportsmanship Rating of a 2.0 for that game, their total average will drop below a 3.0. This will result in “Team B” advancing in their place, regardless of the final score. Any team that has 2 ejected players and/or spectators during the playoffs will not advance. For example: If “Team A” has a player/spectator ejected in a win against “Team B”, they will still advance. If they have another player/spectator ejected in their next game against “Team C”, they will not advance. “Team C” will move on in their place. Sportsmanship During Playoffs
Games are played at the South Recreation Fields Teams consist of 7 players (minimum 5 to start) Games are two 20 minute halves-running clock, until last two minutes of second half. 2 Time outs per half, they do not carry over Mercy Rule: Up 18 points with 10 minutes No pockets, tear-away pants, exposed drawstrings, or untucked hoods may be worn. No exceptions! Important Rules and Information
Teams must wear same colored shirts. If a flag belt falls off, a one hand touch between shoulders and knees is considered a flag pull. Offensive team must have 4 players on line of scrimmage at start of play. There are no fumbles. Only one legal forward pass per down. Important Rules and Information
Offensive screen block shall take place without contact. It is similar to a screen in basketball. The screen blocker shall have his/her hands and arms at his/her side or behind his/her back (not on chest or in front of body). Any use of arms, elbows, or legs to initiate contact during an offensive player's screen block is illegal. Blockers may use his/her hand or arm to break a fall or to retain his/her balance. A player must be on his/her feet before, during, and after screen blocking. Penalty:10 yards. Offensive Screen Blocking
Runners shall not flag guard by using their hands, arms, or the ball to deny the opportunity for an opponent to pull or remove the flag belt. The ball carrier may not hurdle or attempt to jump over another player whose is on their feet. Players may jump or dive (sideways, etc.) to avoid being de- flagged as long as it isn’t in a dangerous manner to the defense. Flag Guarding
When punting the ball, the kicking team must announce its intentions to the officials before the ball is declared ready for play. After such an announcement, the kicking team may change the decision to punt by taking a time-out or by accepting a penalty. The offense must maintain a minimum of four and a maximum of six people on the line of scrimmage until the kick is made. The entire kicking team must hold its position until the ball is kicked. The center must snap the ball to the kicker who must be at least two yards behind the line of scrimmage. The punt may be blocked by the defense behind their scrimmage line. If the kick is caught, or recovered clearly after hitting the ground by a player of the receiving team, the ball continues in play. If fumbled, it becomes dead at the spot of hitting the ground after being missed and becomes the receiving team's ball. There shall be no quick kicks Punts
No direct hand-off snaps are allowed. The ball must be snapped with a quick and continuous motion either between the center’s legs or to the side to a player that is a least two yards from the line of scrimmage. After assuming position for the snap and adjusting the ball, the snapper may neither move nor change the position of the ball in a manner simulating the beginning of a play until it is snapper. Hiking the Ball
In the judgment of the official, it is intentional grounding when a forward pass is intentionally thrown to the ground or out-of-bounds to save loss of yardage. Intentional Grounding
There will be no overtime during regular season games There will be overtime in the playoffs. A coin toss will determine who gets the ball first (winner of toss has choice to go first or second). The team who loses the toss will choose which end zone the overtime will take place at.. Team A receives the ball on the 10-yard line and has four downs to try to score. If they score they will have the option to try for either one (3 yds) or two (10 yds) or three (20 yds) extra points. Team B then has its four downs to attempt to score and attempt extra point (s). This procedure would continue until one team has won on its four plays (in other words, it is not sudden death). If one team intercepts a pass they can run it back for a score (either the offense or the defense can score in overtime). Overtime
All our contact information can be found online, do not hesitate to contact any of us with questions or concerns Schedules will be posted online and updated daily Intramural Sports
Thank you for participating. INTRAMURAL SPORTS