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China plan ArriveDepart MondayAt airport to china 10:00am Oct/11 6:00am Oct/10 TuesdayAt the summer place 10:00am Oct/12 8:30am Oct/12 WednesdayAt Chinese restaurant 9:00pm Oct/13 6:00pm Oct/13 Thursdayshopping FridayGo back USA12:00am Oct/16 9:00pm Oct/15
Chinese food Rice Noodles Dumpling Stuffed bun stir-fried dish
HHHH iiii ssss tttt oooo rrrr yyyy/Geography The history of china begins Xia dynasty end to the Qing dynasty. China population in July ,with just over 1.3 billion people.(1,330,044,605 people) Geography of china stenches some 5,206km across the East Asian landmass bordering the East China Sea, Korea Bay, South China Sea, between North Korean and Vietnam in a changing configuration of board plains, expensive deserts, and lofty mountain ranges, including vast areas of inhospitable terrain.
The summer place TThe Summer Palace is the largest and best- preserved imperial garden in China. Its Chinese name, Yi He Yuan, translates as 'Garden of Nurtured Harmony' or 'Garden for Maintaining Health and Harmony'.