Michelle Anthony Khadija Lawrence
Gram-negative Rod shaped Pathogenic strains day/agriculture/images/e_coli.jpg
The maximum growth of E. coli will be inhibited as the concentration of ampicillin is increased.
Culture (E. coli) Ampicillin 10x lower LB H2O
P. fluorescens resistant Titrations No derived conclusion Lead to redesign
P. fluorescens resistant Titrations No derived conclusion Lead to redesign
P. fluorescens resistant Titrations No derived conclusion Lead to redesign
No titrations Altered amounts of ampicillin Varied the ranges each week
No titrations Altered amounts of ampicillin Varied the ranges each week Results from each week lead to final experiment
LBH2OE. coliAmp * All values in table are in microL
Maximum growth was not inhibited Normal curve max: Highest amp max: Lag phase dramatically affected after 16microL is exceeded IC50 not determined Ampicillin affects length of lag phase Graph consistent with scale
viruses/ecoli/ viruses/ecoli/ 96/?page=4 96/?page=4