By Dan Nataf, PhD Director, Center for the Study of Local Issues Anne Arundel Community College August 4, 2010
2 Kiwanis Club Presentation – August 4, 2010 The Center for the Study of Local Issues: Overview CSLI – Part of Sarbanes Center for Public and Community Service Operating since 1978 Mission: Provide students opportunities for engaged learning, community outreach Main activity: Public interest and client surveys/research each semester
3 Surveys: Respondents randomly chosen from universe of listed telephone numbers combined with computer generated numbers Typical sample size: respondents; students used as interviewers Topics: Each survey includes demographic and attitude/behavior questions, including such themes as: –Economic conditions –Growth/Development –Transportation –Economic conditions –Education –Tax and spending preferences –Policy preferences Visit CSLI’s web site for previous surveys ( Kiwanis Club Presentation – August 4, 2010 The Center for the Study of Local Issues: Overview
4 LAA Presentation – Feb. 28, 2009 Main Issues for Today –County – Most important problem –Economic conditions –Right/Wrong direction –Quality of life in Anne Arundel County –Dealing with budget shortfalls – County govt. –State budget measures – approval levels –O’Malley approval balancing budget –O’Malley vs. Ehrlich –Slots –Attorney General Doug Gansler’s ruling on recognition of same sex marriage from other states –Constitutional Convention in Maryland –Trust and confidence in various institutions Kiwanis Club Presentation – August 4, 2010 Main Issues for Today Based on March 2010 Survey
How would you rate economic conditions in… excellent, good, only fair or poor? (% saying “excellent” or “good”)
Does the following apply to you or your household? (% saying “yes”)
Years in CountyPercentage Total100 Aspect mentionedPercentage Water, the Bay, environment24 Location, convenience (unspecified)14 Location: proximity to cities3 Location: proximity to culture2 Community, people, neighborhoods9 Schools9 Services – government, private7 Entertainment6 Safety5 Beauty, clean, private, quiet, geography5 Economy, close to jobs4 Parks, outdoors3 Rural, less developed2 Historic2 Transportation2 Diversity (unspecified)2 Low taxes1 Total100 Quality of Life Aspect Mentioned by Respondents Years Living in Anne Arundel County
Action citedPercentage Cut government services27 Raise taxes8 Some of both55 Other response/no answer11 Total101
MeasureApproveDisapproveN.A. Providing a $3,000 tax credit for firms that hire unemployed workers Putting aside 24 percent of the Bay’s oyster habitat to rebuild the oyster population Decreasing the overall state budget by $249 million compared to last year's budget Avoiding any new taxes to balance the budget56395 Freezing state workers’ salaries for a second year53434 Providing $20 million to the Chesapeake Bay Trust Fund48457 Ending the tuition freeze at the University of Maryland with a 3 percent increase Keeping $647 million in the state's "rainy day fund" rather than spending it to balance the budget Depending on possible but uncertain federal funds to balance the budget 31617
MeasureFall ‘09Spring ‘10 Good job1315 Okay job4244 Poor job3835 Unsure75 No answer11 Total101100
CandidateIncluding all categories Excluding some categories O’Malley3543 Ehrlich4757 Someone else30 Neither50 Unsure, don’t know100 Total100 State Issues: O’Malley vs. Ehrlich for Governor in November County Results in 2006: Ehrlich 56.9 vs. O’Malley 42.0 percent O’Malley won by 7 percent statewide in 2006
Opponents to the introduction of slot machines at Arundel Mills Mall are circulating a petition to put the county council’s decision to grant zoning needed for slots to referendum in November, potentially reversing the decision. Do you support or oppose this petition effort? PositionPercentage Support45 Oppose45 Unsure7 No answer2 Total99
Attorney General Doug Gansler recently ruled that Maryland should recognize same sex marriages from other states. Maryland does not currently permit same sex marriages. Do you agree or disagree with the attorney general's ruling? PositionPercentage Agree48 Disagree44 Some other response2 No answer6 Total100
Every 20 years, the Maryland General Assembly is required to include on the ballot a question about holding a constitutional convention to revise the state’s constitution. Would you favor or oppose holding such a convention at this time? PositionPercentage Favor44 Oppose42 Don’t know enough9 No answer5 Total100
InstitutionGreatSomeLittle No opinion/ no answer MeanTotal Elected The President of the United States The U.S. Senate The U.S. House of Representatives The Governor of Maryland The Maryland General Assembly The County Executive The County Council Overall elected mean Elected executives Elected legislatures Unelected The Supreme Court Anne Arundel County Fire Department Anne Arundel County Police Anne Arundel County Public Schools Our local courts Unelected mean
: National Issues: Presidential job approval
: National Issues: % approving of president’s job by party