Amber Jehan Geography Prep Level The City School Senior Girls North Nazimabad
Adopt 21st century teaching approaches to enhance students’ appreciation of geography.
Change my questioning strategies with students to promote critical thinking. Focus on encouraging students instead of praising. Focus on the geographical presentations students use to get to an answer, not just the answer himself. Encourage collaboration among students. Help students understand that they can use each other as resources.
21 st Century Approaches 1.Observing & Monitoring Skills 2.Giving Direction Skills 3.Listening & Speaking 4,Questioning Skills 5.Encouraging Skills 6.Intervening Skills 21 st century Skills 1.Accountibility & Adaptability 2.Communication Skills 3.Creativity & Intellectual curiosity 4.Critical Thinking & System Thinking 5.Information & Media Literacy Skills 6.Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills 7.Self Direction 8.Problem Identification & Solution 9.Social Responsibility
High Order Thinking Low Order Thinking
I will provide more opportunities for students to answer questions that require higher-order thinking. I will provide students with time for group discussion. I will ask questions that require students to explain how they have understood to present a slide. I will allow students to gather in randomly assigned groups or pairs to demonstrate their best possible ways of displaying their project.
Different techniques Student centered activities 1.Drama / Role play 2.Debates 3. Evaluation/Feedback 4.Talk Show/Discussions 5.Story Telling 6.Interview 7.Survey 8.Seminar 9. Guest Speaker 10.Teaching Aids 11.Competetion 12.Games / Sports 13.Quiz 14.Acting / Parody 15.Puppet Show 21 st Century Approaches 1.Observing & Monitoring Skills 2.Giving Direction Skills 3.Listening & Speaking 4,Questioning Skills 5.Encouraging Skills 6.Intervening Skills
Instructional strategies Task Topic21 st Century approachTechniques /Modes Observing & Monitoring SkillsQuestioning from students, quizzes, giving them surveys or research work. Giving Direction SkillsProvide handouts, multimedia presentation. Listening & SpeakingDiscussions Questioning SkillsOpen Discussions Encouraging SkillsCertificates, Guest Speakers will come. Encouraging/Intervening SkillsEvaluation Forms and Feedback will be provided.
Bloom’s TaxonomyMy Strategies CreatingStudents will draft all their research work on power point presentation and present to teacher who will then mark them on the activity and give them certificates.mark them on the activitycertificates. EvaluatingStudents will be asked questions during their presentation. Teacher will evaluate their presentations and guide them to make changes. Feedback will be taken by the students later on this activity.Feedback AnalysStudents will analyze the importance of mining in the economic development of Pakistan. ApplyingStudents will apply their understanding in researching about types of mining in Pakistan. UnderstandingStudents will discuss & identify various means of mining. They will also discuss their research work. RemembringStudents will recap their prior knowledge related to mining. Teacher will provide her expertise on the subject and provide with a presentation.expertisepresentation.
The principal may not agree with my new approach. I will share the course manual and my notes from this course with my principal. Parents may not understand my methods. I will use my new word processing skills to create a newsletter to inform parents of my new methods. I do not own a computer.I will stay after school to use a computer in the school’s computer lab to create productivity tools. There may be some students who do not want to work together. I will randomly group students to encourage collaboration with all class members.
Internet-Websites related to Geography Word processing, multimedia and spreadsheets applications. Intel® Tech Program Getting Started Course manual.
I would like to thank the Intel team and our School Management for giving me this opportunity to learn and comprehend the computer skills and correlate it with the class activity.
They will be better able to understand geographical concepts. They will have the confidence to develop their interpersonal and intrapersonal skills according to the needs or requirements of the 21 st Century Trends.