MODERNISING ROSTERING: WHY CHANGE? Social Change: Society demands greater efficiency Increased patient choice in the health care system Public more informed
MODERNSING ROSTERING: WHY CHANGE? Political Change: Quality and Fairness Action Plan for People Management The Health Service Reform Programme
MODERNSING ROSTERING: WHY CHANGE? Professional Change: Commission on Nursing (1998) Report on Nursing Management Competencies (2000) Agenda for the Future Development of Nursing and Midwifery (2003)
MODERNSING ROSTERING: WHY CHANGE? Workforce Change: staff want greater flexibility, improved working conditions and greater involvement in decisions which affect them. “work/life balance” is becoming more important.
MODERNISING ROSTERING: WHY CHANGE? Technological Change: IT gives opportunity to modernise development of electronic staff records, time & attendance systems, electronic rostering and patient acuity systems.
MODERNISING ROSTERING: WHY CHANGE? Organisational Change: Senior nurses to become more strategic CNMs to manage ward resources Drive for greater empowerment of workforce; Need to proceed on a partnership basis.
MODERNISING ROSTERING: WHY CHANGE? Change: Implies resistance to change (at all levels). Change: Needs to be managed effectively.