Mummies in the Morning
Pyramids were sometimes called Houses of the Dead. They were nearly all solid stone, except for the burial chambers deep inside.
Palm Tree
Egyptian Funeral When a royal person died, a grand funeral procession took place. Family, servants, and mourners followed the coffin. The coffin was called a sarcophagus. It was pulled on a sled by four oxen.
What is a sarcophagus? A sarcophagus (mummy case) is a stone coffin It often had pictures and drawings on it Early mummy cases were rectangular. Later, they were made in the shape of the mummy inside.
The Ghost Queen Queen Hutepi wore a pleated dress.
What is a pleat?
Tomb Robbers Mummies were buried with valuable items such as gold and jewels. Tomb robbers tried to steal these treasures from the burial chambers. ories/robbery.htmhttp:// ories/robbery.htm
What is a mirage? A mirage is an optical effect more frequently seen in deserts. It is due to a total reflection of light at the surface common to two strata of air differently heated.
What is a scroll?
Papyrus Papyrus was sliced into strips. The strips were arranged in two layers, one set horizontal, the next vertical, on top of each other. They were covered with linen (cloth), and heavy pressure was applied with a mallet. Eventually the strips would weld together in their own sap. (DK Eyewitness: Ancient Egypt)
Write Your Name In Hieroglyphics
TOM References and Resources #3 Mummies in the Morning Background info and books to use as resources Ancient Egypt guide.htm or omepg.html guide.htm omepg.html Mummies Osborne, Will & Osborne, Mary Pope: Mummies and Pyramids (Magic Tree House Research Guide) Bingham, Caroline: Pyramids (DK Eye Wonder) Steele, Philip: Ancient Egypt (Curious Kids Guides)
Props for Play New Deities: Ask the class to come up with a list of some of the animals that live in your state. Record them on the chalkboard. Then have the children create new gods and goddesses using the heads of your local animals. Brainstorm a list of topics that their deities can symbolize, such as friendship, schools, fun, etc. Challenge them to make their animal choices match the attribute they represent: for example, an owl-headed god of schools ("wise as an owl"), a dog-headed god of friendship ("man's best friend"), a bee-headed god of work ("busy as a bee") Egyptian animal finger puppets Egyptian jewelry Black cat or other Egyptian animals from
Coloring pages
Classroom Decorations Use hieroglyphs for name writing name.htm name.htm Pyramids and mummies The Egyptians by Sally Hewitt- ISBN Includes fun things to make and do Projects- ng5/mummies.htm ng5/mummies.htm
Elkonin Boxes (palm, mummy, cat, book, sand, king)
Memory Game
References Pyramids pyramid.htm All About Egypt m m Book of the Dead- Next Life-