How to Do Research… For Archaeology Class
End Product Besides titles, presentations (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc) for this class should have no words. Archaeology is about visuals, so your PowerPoint should be full of high quality, full-sized images of: Artifacts/Art Archaeological sites Excavation photos Reconstructions (models or computer-generated) Maps/Blueprints 1-2 pictures per slide Notecards are fine, but should not be read off word-for- word.
Research Process First, you need to read, read, read about your topic. You are going to become the expert on your topic, so you need to know your stuff. Our presentations are interactive and full of back-and-forth questions.
Websites NO.coms Avoid.nets (.org is fine) When you search in Google, add Academic Search Premier WorldCat EBSCO
Research Process Second, you need to pick out your visuals. Be thoughtful about this! I grade on the quality, content, and relevance of your pictures. Don’t just pick the first artifact that shows up in Google Images. A good practice is to save several pictures as you go, but make the final decision later.
Bibliography ALL research projects require a bibliography. It needs to be the last slide of your presentation.
Due: All research projects need to be shared with me anytime BEFORE 4 th hour on the day of the presentation. If we have to use class time to sign into your account to retrieve your presentation, you will be docked points.