The Southern Colonies Objective : I can identify cultural reasons for the settlement of the Southern colonies. Preview : (WRITE NONE) Pick up your last.


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Presentation transcript:

The Southern Colonies Objective : I can identify cultural reasons for the settlement of the Southern colonies. Preview : (WRITE NONE) Pick up your last colored sheet of the week, set up the same way. Process : Southern Colonies notes/foldable On Your Own : Colonial Reading Comprehension (reading/answer questions)

New England Middle and Southern Colonies

Virginia Founded by : John Smith (Jamestown) Year : 1607 Reason: search for gold/later grow tobacco Policy: “If you don’t work you don’t eat” 1614: John Rolfe sent tobacco to England and the colony began to make money.

Maryland Founded by: Leonard Calvert (aka Lord Baltimore) Year: 1634 Reason: Maryland became a safe haven for English Catholics Unusual level of religious freedom— Wrote the (Maryland) Act of Toleration 1649 guaranteed toleration to all Christians. Made hate speech toward religions illegal

North Carolina Founded by: 8 Nobles (called Lord Proprietors) Year: 1653 (1729) Reason: Small Tobacco farming Edward Hyde and George Monck 

South Carolina Founded by: 8 Lord Proprietors Year: 1663 (1729 split) Reason: large plantation farmers Charles Town: becomes largest port city in the South. Modern day Charleston.

The Carolinas in General Named for King Charles (Carolina Latin form of his name) Indian wars and attacks by pirates (Blackbeard!) made it hard to control.

Georgia Founded by: James Oglethorpe Year: 1733 Reason: Originally created for people who had been jailed for not paying debts in England – Work off debt “Debtors Colony” – No Catholics allowed – BUFFER ZONE BETWEEN SPANISH FLORIDA AND THE REST OF THE COLONIES

Economy Ideal for plantation crops – indigo, rice, tobacco, cotton – “Cotton is King” Plantations were largely self- sufficient, so very few large cities developed in the South.

Southern Colonies Southern society less economically & ethnically diverse than all other sections Society very hierarchal & class oriented 1. Top = Large Planters (~1-2%); Large farms w/ 25+ slaves; 70% of all wealth 2. Middle = small independent farmers; few (10 -) slaves 3. Bottom = Landless whites, farm hands 4. Servants = Ind. Servants

Geography/Conflict Geography Very isolated society based around: – Plantations/farms and – waterways All slave colonies Cities are rare Tobacco growth ruins soil Conflicts American Indians Entitlement to land issues—who has a right to these lands Tension between plantation owners and slaves