Early colonies Chapter 3 Lesson 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Early colonies Chapter 3 Lesson 1

Get out a new piece of paper and label it “Chapter 2 Notes” Remember: only write what is in RED for notes.

MYSTERY OF ROANOKE 9 days after his granddaughters birth White returned to England for supplies. Due to England battle with the Spanish Armada White took longer than the estimated few months to return. When he returned, Roanoke was deserted. The only clue he found was a tree that had the word Croatoan carved on it. White thought that they had gone to Croatoan Island about 50 miles south, but bad weather kept White from investigating. The Roanoke colonists were never seen again. In 1584 Queen Elizabeth of England gave Sir Walter Raleigh the right to claim land in North America. Raleigh sent settlers to Roanoke Island (present-day North Carolina) in 1585 but they could not survive through the tough winter, so they gave up and returned to England. In 1587, Raleigh sent his second group consisting of 91 men, 17 women, and 9 children with John White leading the group. Shortly after arriving White’s daughter gave birth to Virginia Dare who was the first English child born in North America.

*Virginia Company (Joint Stock Company)set up a House of Burgesses. Success at Jamestown *For a while the failure at Roanoke discouraged the English from settling in North America. In 1606, England’s new king, King James I, wanted to renew England’s quest for colonization in North America. *Proprietary Colonies-created to make money for the joint stock company. *Virginia Company (Joint Stock Company)set up a House of Burgesses. *In the Virginia Company investors bought shares hoping that they would make money. The plan was for the company’s settlers to find gold and establish trade in fish and furs. King James I granted a charter to the Virginia Company of London to set up a colony in North America. In April 1607, the ships entered Chesapeake Bay. The colonists named the River the James and the new settlement Jamestown to honor their King.

Winter of 1609-1610 was called the “Starving Time” Jamestown survives Although Jamestown was the 1st successful colony, it did not start out as such. There was NO gold found in Jamestown. Colonists faced disease and hunger. In part due to Captain John Smith who forced settlers to work. He also built ties with and got food from the local Powhatan people and their Chief Powhatan. In 1609, Smith was injured and returned to England so Powhatan stopped providing food. Winter of 1609-1610 was called the “Starving Time”

Tobacco saves Jamestown Somehow Jamestown survived Starving Time. More colonists arrived to replace those who died. They found a way to make money for investors by growing tobacco using seeds from the West Indies. Tobacco- crop that saved Jamestown The Value of Tobacco

More settlers come to Virginia The colony of Virginia expanded. Relations with the Powhatan improved after colonist John Rolfe married the chief’s daughter Pocahontas. The Virginia Company sent women to Jamestown. As a result, marriage and children became a part of life in the colony. The Virginia Company also gave a headright (land grant of 50 acres) to settlers who paid their own way to the colony. This system helped the colony succeed. *The Virginia Company also made the House of Burgesses in Jamestown, the first legislative assembly. The Virginia Colony was growing in size, but it was not making any money for the shareholders so in 1624 King James took away the company’s charter and Virginia became a royal colony (under direct control of England’s government).

Colony Regions and their major characteristics New England Colonies required children to learn to read the Bible. The Middle Colonies were known for diverse people. The Southern Colonies’ society mirrored England’s with planters at the top and debtors at the bottom.