Tahir Kapetanovic ENM TF Co-Chair XIX Florence Forum, 13-14 December 2010 ERGEG Opinion on the ENTSO-E pilot TYNDP.


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Presentation transcript:

Tahir Kapetanovic ENM TF Co-Chair XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 ERGEG Opinion on the ENTSO-E pilot TYNDP

2XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 ERGEG Advice on TYNDP: Objectives … Create a better and more stable environment for the TSOs and the regulators / Agency: what should be includedBy specifying explicitly what should be included in the Community-wide electricity network development plan, ENTSO-E will know precisely how to create it criteria for fulfillment / quality of the planBy defining the criteria for fulfillment / quality of the plan, the Agency knows how to evaluate and what (possibly) to request further if something is missing process for preparingBy defining the process for preparing the plan, the Agency can evaluate if all stakeholders have been consulted and if scenarios and planning principles behind the plan are transparently communicated to the stakeholders

3XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 Documents European and national generation outlook National, regional and Community- wide network development plan European system adequacy outlook Community- wide, regional and national scenarios Status review of previous plan Scenario development European generation outlook Modelling of integrated system - Description of market and power system models - Evaluation criteria for reinforcements Modelling of integrated system - Description of market and power system models - Evaluation criteria for reinforcements Assessment of system resilience -Existing and decided infrastructure -Identification of future congestions -Identification and description of investment projects - System adequacy outlook Assessment of system resilience -Existing and decided infrastructure -Identification of future congestions -Identification and description of investment projects - System adequacy outlook I II III IV V & Contents

4XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 Criteria from Regulation According to Regulation (EC) No. 714/2009, the TYNDP shall ensure: Non-discrimination Effective competition Efficient and secure functioning of the internal electricity market Sufficient level of cross-border interconnection open to TPA The planning process should be smooth, efficient, consistent and transparent

5XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 Criteria - Details Scenarios have been prepared and applied Modelling of integrated network has been made applying bottom-up and top-down approaches Generation outlooks have been prepared Assessment of the resilience of the system Consultation of all relevant stakeholders has been executed and outcome of these consultations has been documented Coherence between national, regional and Community- wide ten-year network development plan is met Monitoring report on implementation of the plans has been prepared

6XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 Key Issues to be Improved Only two scenarios  enhanced scenario development needed Network and market modelling shall serve as the basis for the project selection Top-down approach and a comprehensive assessment of resilience are needed Many topics addressed, but a clear connection between topics needs to be added Comprehensive list of projects  prioritisation is required Integration of third party projects

7XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 Conclusions / Next Steps ERGEG appreciates ENTSO-E’s initiative to provide a pilot TYNDP and the effort to provide a comprehensive view of key drivers for the development of the transmission system Further challenges identified Social acceptance Permission procedures ERGEG will continue with discussions and further support and guide ENTSO-E in the development of the TYNDP, also within the scope of the EIP

8XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 Thank you for your attention!