Guidelines: Prepare at most 20 slides Headwords, no sentences A title for every slide Contents Title Overview Background Approach Summary
Presentation Delivery: Imagine this is your own paper! Think about your audience Speak for about minutes 5-10 minutes for discussion
Sample presentation:
Topics: 1. A contingency approach to incorporate human, emotional and social influence into a TAM for KM programs 2. Human Factors Analysis in Software Engineering 3. Human Factors in Software Security Risk Management 4. HUMAN ERRORS. A TAXONOMY FOR DESCRIBING HUMAN MALFUNCTION IN INDUSTRIAL INSTALLATIONS
Topics: 5. HUMAN FACTORS IN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT: MODELS, TECHNIQUES, AND OUTCOMES 6. Human Factors in Software Security Risk Management 7. On Cognitive Properties of Human Factors in Engineering 8. The human error rate assessment and optimizing system HEROES – procedure for evaluating and optimizing the man-machine interface in PSA
Topics: 9. Success and Failure: Human as Hero – Human as Hazard 10. Teamwork Pattern of Project Risk Management Based on knowledge Reuse 11. The Basic Research of Human Factor Analysis Based on Knowledge in Software Engineering 12. USER SATISFACTION AND SYSTEM SUCCESS: CONSIDERING THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM
Topics: 13. A Hazard Analysis of Human Factors in Safety- critical Systems Engineering 14. A Longitudinal Study of Information System Threat Categories: The Enduring Problem of Human Error 15. A Framework for Human Factors in Information Security 16. Advanced Human Factors Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
Organizational Remarks: Presentations will start from 27 November, 2009 For presenting your topic bring your own laptop, or send me your presentation 2 days before your presentation day Exercise presentations are necessary part of your course work!!!