Drawing from two or more academic disciplines to analyze a question or problem. HistoryCivil War Literature Legal StudiesTorture warrants Ethics (philosophy) “English” (writing) Speech and Communication
National Studies (American Studies - US) Area Studies (Latin American) Ethnic Studies (African American, etc.) Women’s Studies Ecology (biology, earth science, society)
What is the highest human good? What is right and wrong? What is the source of values by which we guide our lives? How can we choose among values when they conflict? (UCI Philosophy Undergraduate Program)
Absolutist - Prohibition in all cases Situational – Depends on the situation. Best interest. Question of exchange.
Absolute Torture is never acceptable (Scarry) Limited LegalPermissible in certain cases Permissibility(Dershowitz) Limited MoralPermissible but illegal, no Permissibilitywarrants
As noted by Dershowitz Safety and security of a nation’s citizens Preservation of civil liberties and human rights Visibility and accountability in a democracy How do these come into conflict?
How do you get from one to the next? A.Time is running out B.The person has the information C.Interrogation by torture is necessary D.Failure to torture will mean greater loss QUESTION: Can you raise objections at each step?
E. Scarry’s Account What is the effect of the focus on Alan Dershowitz?
Who was being tortured? The torture warrants debate leaves out the details about the people actually detained after 9/11
KHALID EL-MASRI German Citizen Born in Kuwait but married a German woman Handed over to the CIA and, according to a lawsuit, tortured in Afghanistan. KHALID AL-MASRI The name of a person alleged to have made contact in Germany with the 9/11 hijackers No relation to El-Masri
The years after 9/11 Operatives working for Al Qaeda, Taliban Islamic (and more generally Middle Eastern) Enemy Combatants (not prisoners of war, do not have legal protections)
Relies on various oppositions: West vs. East Christian vs. Islam US vs. terrorists (enemies) "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” George W. Bush, 9/20/01
Names someone or something (a force) against the United States Figure of evil Fighter with access to arms, including nuclear, and “weapons of mass destruction” Anti-democratic
George W. Bush State of the Union Speech January 28, 2003
TRANSCRIPT whitehouse.archives.gov/n ews/releases/2003/01/ html YOUTUBE VIDEO watch?v=rgwqCdv3YQo watch?v=rgwqCdv3YQo (Part 6, :30 – 2:40)
Evidence from intelligence sources, secret communications, and statements by people now in custody reveal that Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of al Qaeda. Secretly, and without fingerprints, he could provide one of his hidden weapons to terrorists, or help them develop their own But chemical agents, lethal viruses and shadowy terrorist networks are not easily contained. Imagine those 19 hijackers with other weapons and other plans -- this time armed by Saddam Hussein.
How does the terrorist fit into US racial thinking? Historical opposition between white/black Historical opposition between white/other (including Asian, Mexican Am, etc.) 21 st Century growing acceptance of a national multi-racial society. Where does the terrorist figure fit in?
Race not biological, not essential Racial constructions as appearing in history (historically contingent) Shifting meaning and codes (race changes) Role of the contemporary global context?
The Case of Jose Padilla US citizen born in Brooklyn Abdullah al-Muhajir Arrested in 2002 Held for 3+ years without charges Enemy combatant Says he was tortured
Guantanamo Where does the United States hold terrorists?