Structured H ∞ control of a continuous crystallizer L. Ravanbod, D. Noll, P. Apkarian Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse IFAC Workshop on Control Distributed Parameter Systems Toulouse, France July 20-24, 2009
2 Outline Industrial Crystallizer : presentation, physical model. Why H ∞ control? H ∞ control : structured controller, structured + time constraints. Simulation results : application to continuous crystallizer.
3 Continuous Industrial Crystallizer used for mass production of high-purity solids from liquids. This crystallizer produces hundreds of tons of amonium sulfate per day. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) a: body b: settling region of fine crystals c: slurry is withdrawn d: slurry heated and combined with product feed e: solvent evaporates
4 q, c f q, h f,n, c q, h p, n, c Continuous Crystallizer : Our hypotheses ► q: feed rate ► C f : solute concentration in feed ► C: solute concentration ► h f : classification function of fines dissolution ► h p : classification function of product removal ► n: number density function ideal mixing, isothermal operation, constant overall volume, nucleation at negligible size, size-independence growth rate, no breakage, no agglomeration
5 Continuous Crystallizer: equations Population balance : nL,t t Gc nL,t L q v h f Lh p LnL,t nL,0n 0 L,n0,t Bc Gc GcK g ctc s g,BcK b ctc s b with initial and boundary conditions: and the classification functions: nucleation (birth) rategrowth rate =(number of crystals/crystal length L)/volume at time t
6 Continuous Crystallizer : equations mole balance : with initial condition: M dcdc dt qMcMc v McMcd q Mc f v q v 1K v 0 h p L1nL,tL 3 dL c0c 0 Crystal size distribution is represented by mass density function: and by overall crystal mass and where: t1K v 0 nL,tL 3 dL mL,tK v nL,tL 3 mt 0 K v nL,tL 3
7 Continuous Crystallizer: Why feedback control? Nucleation, crystal growth, fines dissolution, classified product removal … Undesirable oscillatory behaviour As in solute concentration:
8 Continuous Crystallizer: Why feedback control? Or as in mass density function:
9 Control strategies P: plant (crystallizer),K: controller P K y w u z w z guarantying internal stability, minimizing impact of on Find structured controller i.e. K(s) ĸ (s) : Two families of linear regulators: if w white noise: if w of finite energy: w(t) : u(t) : z(t) : y(t) : ( Sup ω )
10 H ∞ control of crystallizer Population balance finite or infinite dim.model finite dim. H ∞ controller (SISO) (Chiu et al 1999, Bosgra et al 1995) (Vollmer and Raisch 2001) Population balance Large state linear model small dim. H ∞ controller We propose: Advantage: selection of controller structure, easily extendable to MIMO, time constraints conveniently added. Previous works:
11 min K T w z K Constrained structured H ∞ control Minimize: Subject to z l tzK,tz u t,forallttt zK,sT w z K,s w 0 s KK Θ Time domain constraints, ( w 0 (t) step, ramps, sinusoid) Θ decision variable
12 Multistage H ∞ synthesis Smooth optimization (SQP) Non smooth optimization stabilizing 2 nd order H ∞ controller Closed-loop interconnection Non smooth optimization stabilizing 2 nd order H ∞ controller: time constraints are approximately satisfied stabilizing 2 nd order H ∞ controller: time constraints satisfied
13 H ∞ control Numerical method H ∞ synthesis is minmax nonsmooth and nonconvex techniques is proposed: minimized by Cutting-Plane Algorithm. Smooth optimization (SQP) accelerates creation of good starting points. Closed-loop stability is guaranteed by constraint: Efficient for large systems due to possibility of structure selection ( Apkarian, Noll, Bompart, Rondepierre,…2006, 2007, 2008) is handled through a progress function:
14 Continuous Crystallizer: modelling 1 Choosing the parameter values : KCl laboratory crystallizer used by : U. Vollmer, J. Raisch, Control Engineering Practice 2001 solute concentration in the feed C f (t) solute concentration in the liquid C(t) C f (t) and disolution rate R 1 (t) C(t) and overall crystal mass M(t) Model input, output choice SISO MIMO discretization of n(L,t) w.r.t L 0 mm 2 mm 2 3
15 Continuous Crystallizer: modelling 4 Linearization at an equilibrium point Linear model (for synthesis) 5 Nonlinear model (for validation) with state space representation Equidistant discretization with N=250, et mollifying the classification functions Equidistant discretization with N=1000
16 Simulation results (Input-Output Model precision) SISO MIMO
17 Simulation results SISO : solute concentrations Second order H ∞ controller+ time domain constraints
18 Simulation results MIMO: solute concentration, overall mass Second order H ∞ controller+ constraints
19 Simulation results Mass density evolution in open-loop and in closed-loop evolution from one equlibrium point to another one
20 New control methodology allows great flexibility of controller structure: small controllers for large systems. Time constraints can be added and allow to include features of nonlinear systems. Problem is genuinely nonsmooth and specific algorithm has to be developed. Conclusion
21 Simulation results MIMO: solute concentration, overall mass PID H ∞ controller+ time constraints
22 Control strategies P: plant (crystallizer),K: controller P K y w u z w z internal stability, minimizing impact of on Objectif find K(s) ĸ (s) : Two families of linear regulators can be found: if w white noise: if w of finite energy: w(t) : u(t) : z(t) : y(t) :