Local Cash Match Opportunities Kate Pfirman Treasurer Georgia Department of Transportation
All prior year federal funds have been authorized and are tied to particular projects Routinely, we de-authorize funds due to project close- out or other issues These funds can then be used on another project Federal Funds
Submitting a Project Must have local cash match available upfront, prior to advertisement for letting Cash match only Project should already be in the STIP All Federal criteria must be met and the project must remain federally eligible throughout the process
GDOT will evaluate projects submitted based on: o Safety o Economic benefit o Congestion relief, connectivity provided o Cost-benefit o Viability of project to move forward o Degree of Local Support/Coordination with Development Patterns Submitting a Project (cont’d)
Timeframe Projects can be submitted now Will be evaluated as they are submitted Those that are selected could be let starting with the new Federal fiscal year (FFY10 begins October 1st) Cities/Counties submit to the MPO’s MPO’s submit to Angela Alexander, GDOT
Questions Kate Pfirman Treasurer (404)