+ Get Your Portion in Proportion Keene State Dietetic Intern, Jackie Farrall
+ Pasta Dish Portion Sizes Taken by Rvdh
+ Meal #1- Calories:1,006 Kcal 2 meatballs ½ cup of penne pasta 8 tbs of marinara sauce 1 breadstick (1.8 oz) Caesar salad (2 tbs of dressing) 1 brownie With Pesto Cream Sauce: 1651 Kcal Taken by Rvdh
+ Meal #2- Calories: 1,206 Kcal 3 meatballs 1 cup of penne pasta 8 tbs of marinara sauce 1 breadstick Caesar salad (2 tbs of dressing) 1 brownie 8 oz of lemonade With Pesto Cream Sauce: 2026 Kcal Taken by Rvdh
+ Meal #3- Calories: 1,381 Kcal 3 meatballs 1 ½ C penne pasta 8 tbs of marinara sauce Breadstick (1.8 oz) Caesar salad (2 tbs of dressing) 1 brownie 8 oz of ice tea With Pesto Cream Sauce: 2226 Kcal Taken by Rvdh
+ Marinara Sauce
+ Pesto Cream Sauce
+ Objectives Be able to determine servings sizes with every day objects Identify ways to control portions sizes while eating out Identify ways to control portion sizes while dining in
+ Why Can Portion Control Be Confusing? Taken by Yummyinmytummyblog Taken by Wild Pixels Taken by Drawyourlife1 Taken by dangrax
+ Portion size vs Serving size
+ Where is the serving size? Take a look at your food labels and identify where the serving size is. How many servings are in your food item?
+ What is a serving? Vegetables: 2 cup of raw leafy vegetables 1/2 cup of other vegetables, raw or cooked; 1/2 cup juice Fruit: 1 medium fruit 1/2 cup chopped, cooked or canned fruit; ½ cup small fruit, like berries or grapes 1/2 cup juice Taken by Oakleyorginals Taken by the_moment
+ What is a serving? Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Fish: 2 to 3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry or fish 1 egg 2 egg whites or ¼ cup liquid egg substitute Beans and Nuts: ½ cup cooked beans, lentils or peas; ¼ cup nuts 2 tablespoons nut butter Taken by The Traveling Bum Taken by Eatwell.in
+ What is a serving? Grains: 1 slice of bread 1 ounce of ready-to-eat cereal (1/4-1 cup) ½ cup rice or pasta ½ bagel ½ cup of cooked cereal Dairy: 1 cup of fat-free or low-fat milk or yogurt 1 ounce of cheese 1 ounce fat-free or low-fat cottage cheese 8 oz (1 cup) of milk Taken by djwtwo Taken by Karenisme08
+ What is a serving? Extras: 1 tsp of margarine or butter 1 tbs of salad dressing 1 tsp of olive, canola, peanut oil Taken by Tarale
+ Rule of Thumb Taken by Topher76 Taken by Andreli! Taken by Nic Taylor Photography Taken by nshuddha Taken by WedwideJosh Taken by krissen Taken by Johnmuk
+ My Plate
+ Dining In and Dining Out
+ Dining Out Taken by Muy Yum Taken by davitydave Taken by olgcuz
+ Dining In Taken by Aquaowl Taken by Sharmaid Products
+ Questions?
+ Resources /LosingWeight/Dont-Fall-Prey-to-Portion- Distortion_UCM_424567_Article.jsp /LosingWeight/Dont-Fall-Prey-to-Portion- Distortion_UCM_424567_Article.jsp oMakeaHealthyHome/Portion-Size-Versus-Serving- Size_UCM_304051_Article.jsp oMakeaHealthyHome/Portion-Size-Versus-Serving- Size_UCM_304051_Article.jsp lthyCooking/Whats-a-Serving-Size_UCM_430113_Article.jsp lthyCooking/Whats-a-Serving-Size_UCM_430113_Article.jsp