CONFLICT!! Creating a Conflict Competent Organization
5 Dysfunctions of a Team Absence of trust Lack of Commitment Avoidance of Accountability Inattention to Results Fear of Conflict
Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional. -Max Lucado It occurs when two or more people compete over PERCEIVED or ACTUAL incompatible goals or limited resources. -Boulding, 1962
Surveys show that managers spend 20-40% of their time dealing with conflict. More than half of employee retention problems are related to poorly handled conflict. While most people think of conflict as negative, conflict theory suggests that there are creative opportunities that can emerge from conflict. The key is to stimulate debate without letting it become destructive or focused on personalities as opposed to the task at hand. - Roberto, 2005)
Usual Causes of Conflict Problems with relationships Problems with data Perceived or actual incompatible differences Structural forces Differing values
Fundamental Attribution Error People’s tendency to place an undue emphasis on internal characteristics to explain someone else’s behavior in a given situation rather than considering external factors.
Relationship Conflicts Presence of strong negative emotions Misconceptions or stereotypes Poor or miscommunication Relationship conflicts often fuel disputes and lead to an unnecessary escalation of destructive conflict.
Data Conflicts People lack information necessary to make wise decisions People are misinformed There is disagreement about what is relevant Information is interpreted differently There are competing assessment procedures
Interest Conflicts occur when the parties believe that, in order to satisfy one’s needs, the needs of the opponent must be sacrificed. Substantive Needs (Money, Resources, Time) Procedural Needs (The way the dispute is resolved) Psychological Needs (Perceptions of trust, respect, fairness )
Structural Conflicts are caused by patterns of human relationships often shaped by forces external to the people in the dispute Limited physical resources or authority Geographic constraints Time - too much or too little
Value Conflicts are caused by perceived or actual incompatible belief systems. What is good/bad? Right/Wrong Just/Unjust Value disputes arise when people attempt to force one set of values on others and do not allow for divergent beliefs.
The Role of Power Unintended consequences of forced solutions: Alienating people needed for implementation Can create resistance from those who disagree Resentment Alienation By framing the process as a cooperative search for win-win options, buy-in is more assured.
Constructive Responses Active Perspective Taking Creating Solutions Expressing Emotions Reaching Out Passive Reflective Thinking Delay Responding Adapting
Destructive Responses Active Winning at all costs Displaying anger Demeaning others Retaliating Passive Avoiding Yielding Hiding emotions Self-criticizing
Conflict Competent Behaviors Staying Calm – de-escalates most situations. Encouraging civility, fairness, and safety. Teaching and coaching effective responses and modeling behavior. Embrace constructive conflict o Separate people from the problem. o Focus on interests, not positions. Perspective taking – seeing the conflict from the eyes of the other. Understanding content AND emotion is key.
In Summary Conflict – any situation in which people have apparently incompatible interests, goals, principles, or feelings. Its critically important that you determine your personal strengths and weaknesses when dealing with conflict. Encourage civility, fairness, and safety. In fact, demand it! Handled constructively, conflict is a necessary tool needed to maximize performance and creativity in any organization.
Does anyone disagree with anything I’ve said today??? Jack Taylor Frisco Workforce Center