Hach Integrated Information Management Waste Water, Drinking Water, Industrial Applications Computerized Maintenance Management Systems Inventory and Asset Maintenance Examples: Maximo, Hansen, Dataforum Hach JOB Cal ® Basic Hach JOB Cal ® Plus Maintenance Scheduling and Tracking Solution Easy to set up.. Easy to learn.. Easy to use Hach solutions Data from automated & manual sources in a central, secure repository providing easy regulatory & ad hoc reporting, analysis & monitoring OnDemand SaaS Laboratory Information Management Systems Designed for commercial and highly centralized laboratories Examples: ATL, Tribal Hach LAB Cal TM Sample Scheduling and Tracking Solution Affordable, Effective, Lab Data Management designed for sample scheduling workflow in water utility labs * requires WIMS Hach Water Information Management Solution TM Hach WIMS TM Range of products Enterprise, Professional, Deluxe, Standard, Single User WIMS CMMSLIMS Price/Performance Operations & Business Information Maintenance Information Laboratory Sample Information Operations Control SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Examples: GE iFix (built-in interface) Wonderware, Foxboro, Rockwell
Saving power by managing your aeration Problem: Fine bubble aeration systems have saved wastewater treatment plants significant dollars in power costs. However, these systems need to be maintained. Oxygen transfer efficiency is a function of bubble size. The smaller the bubble, the higher the efficiency. Ceramic diffusers will foul in time, causing the bubble size to increase. Membrane diffusers foul and they also age. Current practices: Equip several diffusers (0.01%) with pressure transducers to detect fouling. Drain the basins and hand clean the diffusers.
Saving power by managing your aeration Solution: Electricity is used to run the blowers to remove pounds of BOD from the waste stream. Why not just track pounds of BOD removed per kilowatt hour of electricity. In Hach WIMS™ we define a variable that we can track. It is an equation. Calculate the efficiency of the aeration system to determine when to clean. Efficiency = Pounds of BOD Removed / Energy Used
Saving power by managing your aeration By trending the Efficiency over several years, a benchmark can be established. When the Efficiency drops below the benchmark, WIMS will alert you. Simply plot this data over time and it quickly becomes apparent when diffusers need to be cleaned.