Sixth Meeting of National Food Security Mission Executive Committee Government of West Bengal Department of Agriculture 15 th December, 2010 Krishi Vistar Sadan, IARI Complex, Pusa, New Delhi
1. Financial Statement (Rs. In crores)
3 Sl. No Components Reasons for low progress / reasons for mismatch between physical & financial Physical*Financial ( Rs. in Lakhs ) TargetAchievement % Achievement Target Achievemen t % Achievement 1NFSM - Rice % Due to heavy drought in 4 out of 8 NFSM-rice districts, the programme implementation has been affected seriously. However every attempt has been made for achieving in Boro season. 2 NFSM - Wheat % Season just started. 3 NFSM - Pulses % The main pulse season in the state is Rabi & Rabi- Summer, Moreover, serious drought in 11 districts caused low achievement. Achievement will be made in Rabi & Rabi –Summer season. 4A3P % A3P during Rabi in on progress Total % * Intervention wise Physical Target and Achievement has been presented in separate sheet.
APPROVED ACTION PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION – RICE (NFSM-Rice) DURING Sl No Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Units Targets approved by GOI Achievement up to Phy.FinPhy.Fin 1 Demonstrations on improved package of practices ( 1 D.C. 0.4 ha at every 100 ha of Rice area) Rs. 2500/ per D.C. Nos Demonstrations on SRI (One D.C. of 0.4 ha at every 100 ha area of Rice) Rs. 3000/ per D.C Nos Demonstrations on Hybrid Rice Tech. (one D.C. of 0.4 ha at every 100 ha of Rice) Rs. 3000/ per D.C Nos Support for promotion of Hybrid Rice Seed: a) Assistance for production of Hybrid Rice Seed Rs. 1000/ per qtl Qtl b) Assistance for distribution of Hybrid Rice Seed Rs. 2000/ per qtl. Qtl Assistance for distribution of HYVs Rice Seeds Rs. 500/ per qtl Qtl Seed Minikits of Rice a)HYV(5 kg each) Full cost Nos b) Hybrids (6 Kg each) Full cost Nos 7 Incentive for Micro-Nutrients Rs. 500/ per ha Ha Incentive for Liming in acidic soils Rs. 500/ per ha Ha Assistance for Plant protection Chemical & bio- agents. Rs. 500/ per ha Ha Incentive for Conoweeder & Other farm implements Rs. 3000/ per farmer per implement Nos Incentive on Knap Sack Sprayers Rs. 3000/ per Machine Nos Contd… 4 (Rs. in lakh)
Sl No Interventions Approved Rate of AssistanceUnits Targets approved by GOI Achievement up to Phy.FinPhy.Fin 12 Incentive for Zero till seed drill Rs / per Machine Nos Incentive on Multi-crop Planters Rs / per Machine Nos Incentive on Seed Drills Rs / per Machine Nos Incentive on Power Weeders Rs / per Machine Nos Incentive on Rotavators Rs / per Machine Nos Incentive on Pump Sets Rs / per Machine Nos Farmers’ Trainings Rs.17000/ per Training Nos Award for best Performing Districts Rs lakh per year Nos Misc. Expenses: a) PMT & other Misc. expenses at District level Rs lakh per District No. of Dist b) PMT & other Misc. expenses at State Level Rs lakh per State Local Initiatives(Activity-wise) ** TOTAL FINANCIAL Contd… APPROVED ACTION PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION – RICE (NFSM-Rice) DURING (Rs. in lakh)
** Local Initiatives (Activity-wise details) 6 (Rs. in lakh) Sl. No. Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Targets approved by GOI Achievement up to PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 1 Organic Manure / Vermi-compost / City Compost as per Rs500/- per ha ha ha PVC Pipe for carrying water up to 800 Rs /- per unit of 800 mts. 100 unit Total NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION – RICE (NFSM-Rice) DURING
PROGRESS REPORT OF NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION – WHEAT (NFSM - Wheat) DURING UP TO 31ST OCTOBER, (Rs. in lakh) Sl No Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Units Targets approved by GOI Achievement up to Phy.FinPhy.Fin 1 Demonstrations on improved package of practices ( 1 D.C. 0.4 ha at every 50 ha of Wheat area) Rs. 2000/ per D.C.Nos Increase in Seed Replacement ratio( Seed Distribution) Rs. 500/ per QtlQtl Distribution of Seed Minikits of HYVs of Wheat (10 kg each) Full CostNos Incentive for Micronutrients Rs. 500/ per ha or in proportion to Gypsum Ha Incentive for liming in Acid Soil Rs. 500/ per ha or in proportion to Micro - nutrient Ha Incentive on Knap Sack Sprayers Rs. 3000/ per MachineNos Distribution of Zero Till Seed Drills Rs / per MachineNos Incentive on Multi -crop Planters Rs / per MachineNos Incentive on wheat thresherRs / per MachineNos Contd…
8 PROGRESS REPORT OF NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION – WHEAT (NFSM - Wheat) DURING UP TO 31ST OCTOBER, 2010 (Rs. in lakh) Contd… Sl No Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Units Targets approved by GOI Achievement up to Phy.FinPhy.Fin 10Distribution of Rotavators Rs / per Machine Nos Incentive for Pump Sets Rs / per Machine Nos Incentive for sprinkler sets Rs. 7500/ per Machine Ha Farmers’ Trainings (1 FFS at every 1000 ha) Rs.17000/ per Training Nos Award for best performing District Rs.5.00 lakh per year Nos Misc. Expenses: a) Project Management team & other Misc. expenses at District level Rs lakh per District No. of Dist b) Project Management team & other Misc. expenses at State level Rs lakh per year Local Initiatives(Activity- wise)** TOTAL FINANCIAL
9 ** Local Initiatives (Activity-wise details) (Rs. in lakh) NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION – WHEAT (NFSM - Wheat) DURING Sl. No. Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Target approved by GOI Achievement up to PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 1 Bio-fertilizer (Azotobactor, PSB, etc. ) Rs. 100 /- per ha ha PVC Pipe for carrying water up to 800 Rs /- per unit of 800 mtr.s 333 units of 800 mtr.s Total
PROGRESS REPORT OF NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION – PULSE (NFSM-Pulses) DURING UP TO 31ST OCTOBER, (Rs. in lakh) Sl No Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Units Targets approved by GOI Achievement up to Phy.FinPhy.Fin 1 Seed : i) Purchase of Breeder seed of Pulses from ICAR Full cost fixed by DAC (approx. Rs.5234/- per qtl.) Qtl ii) Production of Foundation seeds Rs 1000/ per QtlQtl iii) Production of Certified seeds Rs 1000/ per QtlQtl iv) Distribution of Certified seeds Rs 1200/ per QtlQtl v) Strengthening of Seed Certification Agency Rs lakh per State per year Organization of Technology Demonstration of 0.4 ha Rs. 2000/- per demoNos Frontline Demonstrations of Pulses Rs. 5000/- per demo of one ha. ha Integrated Nutrient Management: a) Lime / Gypsum Rs 750/ per haHa b) Micro-Nutrients Rs 500/ per haHa 10, c) Assistance for Rhizobium Culture / Phosphate solubilizing bacteria distribution Rs 100/ per haha 10, Integrated Pest Management(IPM) Rs 750/ per haHa Assistance for distribution of NPV Rs 250/ per haHa Assistance for distribution of PP Chemicals Rs 500/ per haha Assistance for Weedicides Rs 500/ per haha Incentive on Knap Sack Sprayers Rs 3000/ per MachineNos Contd…
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION – PULSE (NFSM-Pulses) 11 (Rs. in lakh) Sl No Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Units Targets approved by GOI Achievement up to Phy.FinPhy.Fin 10 Distribution of Zero Till Seed Drills Rs 15000/ per Machine Nos Incentive on Muti-crop Planters Rs 15000/ per Machine Nos Incentive on Seed Drills Rs 15000/ per Machine Nos Distribution of Rotavators Rs 30000/ per Machine Nos Distribution of Sprinkler Sets Rs 7500/ per ha ha Incentive for Pump Sets Rs 10000/ per Machine Nos Assistance for Pipe for carrying water from source to field Rs 15000/ for carrying pipe upto 800 mts Mts a) Extension, Training including award to best performing districts - (i) Training on pattern of FFS Rs 17000/ per trg. Nos (ii) State Level Trainings for Trainers Rs lakh per trg. Nos (iii) Award for best performing district Rs lakh / district No Local Initiatives (Activity-wise)** Misc. Expenses relating to PMT: a) District level (Existing NFSM districts) Rs lakh per district No. of Dist b) State Level Rs lakh per State No. of State c) Misc. Expenses to State for other districts Rs lakh per District TOTAL FINANCIAL
12 ** Local Initiatives (Activity-wise details) (Rs. in lakh) NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION – PULSES (NFSM - Pulses) DURING Sl. No.Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Target approved by GOIAchievement up to PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 1 Distribution of Seed Bins (up to 3 qtls. Capacity) Rs /- per bin Distribution of Mini Dal Mill Rs. 40,000 /- per Mill Creation of water harvesting structure (Excavation / Re- excavation of small water bodies) Rs. 35,000 /- per unit Total
13 Input Planning for A3P during Kharif (Urd) Sl.No. Name of District Name of A3P unit Phy. Target (Area in ha) Financial Target (Rs. In lakh) Cost of A3P demonstrati Rs. 5400/ha Cost of Tech. Rs. 8000/month for 6 months. Cost of Rs. 3000/- per month for 6 months. Total 1.MaldahManikchak Block Purulia Jhalda -II & Joypur Block Nadia Nakashipara – Krishnagar-I Block TOTAL3 units
14 Sl.No.Name of District Name of A3P unit Phy. Target (Area in ha) Financial Target (Rs. In lakh) Cost of A3P demonstrati Rs. 5400/ha Cost of Tech. Rs / month for 6 months. Cost of Rs. 3000/- per month for 6 months. Total 1.Maldah Kaliachak – I Kaliachak - III Murshidabad Raninagar – I Raninagar - II Nadia Krishnagar-I Chapra TOTAL3 units Input Planning for A3P during Rabi (Lentil)
3a. Input Planning for Rabi and implementation status of Rabi Plan under NFSM - Rice Sl. No. Intervention Planned physical target Supply tie up status ( quantity supplied /placement & supply agency) Rabi PhysicalFinancial (Rs. in lakh) TargetAchTargetAch SuppliedPlaced Supplying Agency 1Hybrid (MT) Supplying agencies like NSC, WBSSC, CADC, WBAIC, BENFED & other Private sector producers & manufactur ers have been sensitized for timely supply of inputs upto Block level. District Agril. Officers have been authorized to procure the input HYV (MT) Micro Nutrient (ha) Lime (ha) PP Chemical (ha) Cono- Weeder + Knapsack (Nos.) Pump Set (Nos.) Total
3b. Input Planning for Rabi and implementation status of Rabi Plan under NFSM - Wheat Sl. No. Intervention Planned physical target Supply tie up status ( quantity supplied /placement & supply agency) Rabi PhysicalFinancial (Rs. in lakh) TargetAchTargetAch SuppliedPlaced Supplying Agency 1Seed (MT) Supplying agencies like NSC, WBSSC, CADC, WBAIC, BENFED & other Private sector producers & manufactur ers have been sensitized for timely supply of inputs upto Block level. District Agril. Officers have been authorized to procure the input Micro Nutrient (ha) Lime (ha) Knapsack Sprayer (Nos.) Pump Set (Nos.) Total
3c. Input Planning for Rabi and implementation status of Rabi Plan under NFSM - Pulses Sl. No. Components Planned physical target Supply tie up status ( quantity supplied /placement & supply agency) Rabi PhysicalFinancial (Rs. in lakh) TargetAchTargetAch SuppliedPlaced Supplying Agency 1Seed (MT) Supplying agencies like NSC, WBSSC, CADC, WBAIC, BENFED & other Private sector producers & manufactur ers have been sensitized for timely supply of inputs upto Block level. District Agril. Officers have been authorized to procure the input Micro Nutrient (ha) Rhizobium (ha) IPM (ha) PP Chemical (ha) Knapsack (Nos.) Pump Set (Nos.) PVC Pipe (Metre) Total
3d. Input Planning for Rabi and implementation status of Rabi Plan under A3P Sl. No. Components Planned physical target Supply tie up status ( quantity supplied /placement & supply agency) Rabi PhysicalFinancial (Rs. in lakh) TargetAchTargetAch SuppliedPlaced Supplying Agency 1Seed (MT) Supplying agencies like NSC, WBSSC, CADC, WBAIC, BENFED & other Private sector producers & manufacturers have been sensitized for timely supply of inputs upto Block level. District Agril. Officers have been authorized to procure the inputs 00 2Gypsum (MT) Micro Nutrient (MT) Rhizobium (MT) PSB (MT) Urea (MT) Trichoderma/ Carbendazim (MT) Fungicide (MT) Insecticide (lt) Pheromone Traps (Nos.) Lures (Nos.) NPV (lt) Weedicide (lt) Total162.00
4a. APY to Productivity increase or decrease and reason thereof. District wise APY data of NFSM and Non- NFSM districts from to may be submitted along with this. 19 YearCrop Productivity increase or decrease Reason for productivity decline despite NFSM scheme or Productivity increase with any critical inputs from NFSM No of districts +ve over No of districts –ve over % >5 % >10% >20 % Total districts 0- 5% >5% >10 % >20 % Total districts NFSM- Rice ( 8 districts) Due to ill-distribution of precipitation during Kharif season Due to heavy downpour during flowering caused localized flood Less rainfall since transplanting to flowering and AILA NFSM-Rice Districts : Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar, Uttar Dinajpur, South 24 Parganas, Howrah, Purba Medinipur, Paschim Medinipur, Purulia YearDistricts Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar, South 24 Parganas, Howrah Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar, South 24 Parganas, Howrah, Purba Medinipur, Uttar Dinajpur, South 24 Parganas, Howrah, Purba Medinipur,
4b. APY to Productivity increase or decrease and reason thereof. District wise APY data of NFSM and Non- NFSM districts from to may be submitted along with this. 20 YearCrop Productivity increase or decrease Reason for productivity decline despite NFSM scheme or Productivity increase with any critical inputs from NFSM No of districts +ve over No of districts –ve over %>5%>10%>20% Total districts 0-5%>5%>10%>20% Total districts NFSM- Wheat (4 districts) 44Nil Cooch behar Acute moisture stress during vegetative phase ( Normal 44 mm, Actual 0 mm ) Nil NFSM-Wheat Districts : Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar, uttar Dinajpur, Dakshin Dinajpur.
4c. APY to Productivity increase or decrease and reason thereof. District wise APY data of NFSM and Non- NFSM districts from to may be submitted along with this. 21 YearCrop Productivity increase or decrease Reason for productivity decline despite NFSM scheme or Productivity increase with any critical inputs from NFSM No of districts +ve over No of districts –ve over %>5%>10%>20% Total districts 0- 5% >5%>10%>20% Total districts NFSM- Pulses (5 districts) Purulia Water crisis during vegetative & Flowering phase Nil Purulia Severe drought and very low moisture content hampered germination and crop yield. NFSM –Pulse districts : Maldah, Murshidabad, Nadia, Birbhum, Purulia
Estimates of Rice in West Bengal during Sl No. District Kharif RiceBoro RiceTotal Rice AYPAYPAYP 1Jalpaiguri Coochbehar Uttar Dinajpur South 24-Parganas Howrah Purulia Paschim Medinipur Purba Medinipur NFSM district total Darjeeling Maldah Murshidabad Nadia North 24-Parganas Dakshin Dinajpur Hooghly Burdwan Birbhum Bankura Other district total West Bengal A: Area in hectares, Y: Yield rate in Kg/ha. P: Production in tones
Estimates of Rice in West Bengal during Sl. No. Districts Kharif RiceBoro RiceTotal Rice AYPAYPAYP 1Jalpaiguri Coochbehar Uttar Dinajpur South 24-Parganas Howrah Purulia Paschim Medinipur Purba Medinipur NFSM district total Darjeeling Maldah Murshidabad Nadia North 24-Parganas Dakshin Dinajpur Hooghly Burdwan Birbhum Bankura Non- NFSM District total Total A: Area in hectares, Y: Yield rate in Kg/ha. P: Production in tones
Estimates of Rice in West Bengal during Sl no. District Kharif RiceBoro RiceTotal Rice AYPAYPAYP 1Jalpaiguri Coochbehar Uttar Dinajpur Dakshin Dinajpur Howrah Purulia Paschim Medinipur Purba Medinipur NFSM district total Darjeeling Maldah Murshidabad Nadia North 24-Parganas South 24-Parganas Hooghly Burdwan Birbhum Bankura Non- NFSM district total Total ( Sate ) A: Area in hectares, Y: Yield rate in Kg/ha. P: Production in tones
Estimates of Rice in West Bengal during Sl no. District Kharif (Aus+Aman) RiceBoro RiceTotal Rice AYPAYPAYP 1Jalpaiguri Coochbehar Uttar Dinajpur South 24-Parganas Howrah Purulia Paschim Medinipur Purba Medinipur NFSM district total Darjeeling Maldah Murshidabad Nadia North 24-Parganas Dakshin Dinajpur Hooghly Burdwan Birbhum Bankura Non-NFSM district total Total ( State ) A: Area in hectares, Y: Yield rate in Kg/ha. P: Production in tones
Estimates of WHEAT in West Bengal during Different Years 26 A: Area in hectares, Y: Yield rate in Kg/ha. P: Production in tones Sl. N o. Districts AYPAYPAYPAYP 1Jalpaiguri Coochbehar Uttar Dinajpur Dakshin Dinajpur NFSM district total Darjeeling Maldah Murshidabad Nadia North 24-Parganas South 24-Parganas Howrah Hooghly Burdwan Birbhum Bankura Purulia Paschim Midnapur Purba Midnapur Non-NFSM district Total West Bengal
Estimates of Pulses in West Bengal during A: Area in hectares, Y: Yield rate in Kg/ha. P: Production in tones Sl No.Districts Total Kharif PulsesTotal Rabi PulsesTotal Pulses AYPAYPAYP 1Maldah Murshidabad Nadia Birbhum Purulia NFSM Districts Darjeeling Jalpaiguri Coochbehar Uttar Dinajpur Dakshin Dinajpur North 24-Parganas South 24-Parganas Howrah Hooghly Burdwan Bankura Paschim Medinipur Purba Medinipur Non-NFSM Districts State Total
Estimates of Pulses in West Bengal during A: Area in hectares, Y: Yield rate in Kg/ha. P: Production in tones Sl No.Districts Total Kharif PulsesTotal Rabi PulsesTotal Pulses AYPAYPAYP 1Maldah Murshidabad Nadia Birbhum Purulia NFSM Districts Darjeeling Jalpaiguri Coochbehar Uttar Dinajpur Dakhin Dinajpur North 24-Parganas South 24-Parganas Howrah Hooghly Burdwan Bankura Paschim Midnapur Purba Midnapur Non-NFSM District Total State Total
Estimates of Pulses in West Bengal during A: Area in hectares, Y: Yield rate in Kg/ha. P: Production in tones Sl No.Districts Total Kharif PulsesTotal Rabi PulsesTotal Pulses AYPAYPAYP 1Maldah Murshidabad Nadia Birbhum Purulia NFSM Districts Darjeeling Jalpaiguri Coochbehar Uttar Dinajpur Dakhin Dinajpur North 24-Parganas South 24-Parganas Howrah Hooghly Burdwan Bankura Paschim Medinipur Purba Medinipur Other Districts State Total
Estimates of Pulses in West Bengal during A: Area in hectares, Y: Yield rate in Kg/ha. P: Production in tones Sl No.Districts Kharif PulsesRabi PulsesTotal Pulses AYPAYPAYP 1 Maldah Murshidabad Nadia Birbhum Purulia NFSM Districts Darjeeling Jalpaiguri Coochbehar Uttar Dinajpur Dakshin Dinajpur North 24-Parganas South 24-Parganas Howrah Hooghly Burdwan Bankura Paschim Medinipur Purba Medinipur Non-NFSM Districts Total State Total
5. Status of concurrent evaluation at state level. year Monitoring Agency Date of completion of study Findings Whether report has been submitted to National Mission Director Follow up action taken by the state ____________________________________ NOT DONE ___________________________________ A.D.A (Evaluation) Nov Requires “ Out Sourcing” 2.D.C. on Hybrid Rice poor. 3.Tractor driven implements : Performance very poor due to small land holdings. 4.Shortage of Technical Personnel for FFS 5.Bio-fertilizer satisfactory 6.HYV seed Minikit performance satisfactory Yes Action taken except out sourcing ______________________________________ GOING ON _______________________________ 31
6.Progress of A3P during Kharif and Rabi Season No of units allocated No of units implemented by state Unit cost incurred on each unit Reasons for deviation if any Kharif Release of fund by Govt. of West Bengal (Agril. Dept.) is under process Rabi 33 Under Progress A3P- Unit wise details: Particulars of each A3P unit- crop wise Amount released ( Lakhs) Amount spent Balance ( Lakhs) Production (MT) Productivity (Qtl. / ha) Performance of production/ productivity compared to check Kharif (Urd) Balance Malda Nadia- 980 Purulia-630 Malda Nadia Purulia-6.30 Better than check. (more productivity. Ranges from 1.64 to 2.3 q/ha) Rabi (Lentil) On Progress Not yet harvested
7.Performance of Minikits supplied during Kharif 33 Crop No. of minikits allocated No of minikits received Name of the variety & year of release Agency supplied Date of receipt Yield of minikits variety (Av. of 8 districts) Yield of Check variety (Av. of 8 districts) Acceptanc e of farmer/ or decline & reasons for the same Rice During Kharif HYV Hybrid HYV Hybrid HYV- MTU – 1010 (2000), Swarna Sub-1(2009) Hybrid- KRH-2 (1996) HYV- WBSSC, NSC Hybrid- APSSC, NSC June-2010HYV- 36q/ha, q/ha Hybrid- 40 q/ha q/haAccepted A3P pulses Kharif (Urd) Uttara (IPU-94-1) (2000) SFCI Malda q/ha Nadia-9.80 q/ha Purulia- 6.30q/ha Malda- 8.62q/ha Nadia q/ha Purulia q/ha Accepted Rabi (Lentil) no. + 6 kg HUL-57 (Malviya Biswanath) (2005) SFCI Not yet harvested - Wheat2037 K-0307 (Shatabdi) (2007) SFCI Not yet harvested -
8. NFSM- PMT status in the state/ districts 34 No. of consultants sanctioned No. of consultants engaged No. of STA/ TA sanctioned No. of STA/ TA engaged If not, Reasons for not engaging the PMT State level District level State level District level Regular NFSM A3P Regular NFSM A3P State level District level State level District level Nil Miss-match between experienced persons and remuneration 9. Monitoring status by State / district level monitoring committees. Monitoring committee No of visits by each committee in year Outcomes of the visitsFollow up action State level Individual member of State Level made visit- Frequently Problems rectified. Awareness created. Motivated for proper implementation of the Programme. Regular persuasion made with the concerned DFSMEC. District level Individual member of District Level made frequent visit. Discussed with the implementation unit at the Block level regarding shortfalls identified by State Committee. Action Programme has been chocked accordingly. Regular persuasion made in the Block level for implementation of the programme
10. Position of submission of Success stories 35 Component on which success story submitted Number of success stories submitted Whether copy sent to National Mission Director NFSM- Rice ( boro ) 1Yes 11. Status of online submission of QPR at state/ district levels crop Entry status of state report Total No of districts No of districts for which on line data submitted during Reasons for not submitting the data NFSM-Rice PMS software developed by NIC under AGRISNET Project, but the software is yet to roll out due to non-availability of fund. Proposal submitted and a presentation meeting with Joint Secretary, IT, GOI, through Video Conference held on for taking necessary action. NFSM-Wheat NFSM-Pulses A 3 P
12. Constraints and Achievements in implementing with suggestions 36 Sl. No CropsConstraintsAchievementSuggestions 1.Wheat & Paddy 95.6% of farmers are small (14.4%) & marginal (81.2%) with an average land holding of o.74 ha. Distribution of tractor driven implements like zero tillage, multicrop planter etc. to individual farmer under subsidy has become extremely difficult. Physical target – 200 Nos. ( Rs lakh) Achievement – Nil Instead of individual farmers if Farming group/ Farmers Club/ Implement hub run by SHG & PAC,s are considered as beneficiaries, the target can be achieved smoothly. 2.RiceHybrid Rice in W.B is yet to be accepted widely by the farmers. In the trade channel, the current sale of Hybrid Rice is hardly 100 MT/year. Under this situation the status of distribution of rice hybrids under meagre subsidy (Rs. 20/kg) is very poor. The seed companies of the State are also reluctant to take production of Hybrid Rice Seed for their marketing problem. Distribution Physical target – 200MT. ( Rs lakh) Achievement – 27.5 MT (Rs lakh) Production Physical target – 200 MT. ( Rs lakh) Achievement – Nil The subsidy needs to be enhanced to 50% cost of seeds. The producers need to be encouraged for production of Public Hybridsby giving them a buy – back guarantee by the Govt. for which the GOI may fix up a suitable policy. More no of Demonstrations are required for generation of awareness among the farmers to cultivate hybrid rice. 3.PulsePulse farmers are not at all convinced with the superiority of Certified seed than the farmers reserve seed from last year produce. The seed producer of the State is hence reluctant to produce Certified Pulse seed. Hence the status of production and distribution of Pulse seed is poor. Distribution Physical target – 200 MT. ( Rs lakh) Achievement – 25.5 MT (Rs lakh) Production Physical target – 425 MT. ( Rs lakh) Achievement – Nil For generating farmers awareness for use of certified seed, D.C are required to be organized intensively.
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