Module 3
Enhance Clinical Skills –Low Birthweight Babies Prematurity Growth Restriction –Surgical Skills Pelvic Anatomy Surgical Complications Evidence Based Practice –Cause & Effect
Methods Participation –Concepts –Clinical Problems –Your circumstances & Experience Practical Sessions –Ultrasound
Low Birth Weight What do we mean? Why should a baby be born with a low birth weight? 5 min group work 10 min discussion
Low Birth Weight Why are we concerned? –Prematurity –Growth Restriction –Combination of both 5 min group work 10 min discussion
Threshold of Viability What is this? What is it in your health facility What determines this threshold? Could it change? 10 min group work 20 min discussion
Premature Delivery Definition ‘Aetiology’ 10 minute presentation
Premature Delivery The Malawi Experience 15 min presentation 10 min discussion Chisale Mhango
Evidence Based Practice Levels of Evidence Association Cause & Effect Effective Interventions 20 min Interactive presentation With refernce, specifically, To pre-term delivery.
Premature Delivery Effective Interventions –Antibiotics for pre-term rupture of membranes –Steroids –Kangaroo Care
Premature Delivery Ineffective Interventions –Tocolytics (except to permit use of steroids) –Antibiotic Prophylaxis
Premature Delivery Things we should do anyway –Family Planning –Pre-Pregnancy Care –Antenatal Care 10 minute presentation 15 minute discussion of practicalities
Group Work What Can Be Done In Your Practice? 15 min group work 20 minute presentations
Growth Restriction What do we mean? What are the implications? What are the Causes? How can it be avoided? How do we detect it? How do we treat it?