Suzie Benoit Nikki Breen Krystal Price Ashley Yager


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Presentation transcript:

Suzie Benoit Nikki Breen Krystal Price Ashley Yager Spina Bifida Suzie Benoit Nikki Breen Krystal Price Ashley Yager

Spina Bifida Spina bifida begins usually before the woman knows she is pregnant (day 21-28) The tissues that form the neural tube do not close or stay completely closed. An opening in the vertebrae that protect the spinal cord is formed.

Types of Spina Bifida Occulta “hidden” this type is covered by a layer of skin and is not visible outside the body, however the vertebrae are malformed. Meningocele the spinal cord membrane bulges out of an opening that is caused by damaged or missing vertebrae and is usually seen as a cyst or bump covered by skin, the spinal cord develops normally Myelomeningocele the spinal cord, nerves and membrane sticks out from the opening in the spine, usually breaking the skin causing spinal fluid leakage. After surgery, paralysis is still present.

Spina Bifida Cont’d Degrees of spine exposure at birth can cause: Paralysis Need for surgery Spine problems More mild problems that require the use of crutches, wheelchair, or leg braces. Can also be accompanied by learning problems, and difficulties with bowels and urination, as well as fluid on the brain

Potential Causes Homocysteine concentration in the bloodstream is increased Homocysteine is a byproduct of Methionine It can be reused to recreate Methionine

Potential Causes Cont’d A family with one child that has spina bifida are 8 times more likely to have another with the disease Genetic factors (heredity) Environmental factors Nutrition Substance exposure Decreased folic acid intake during pregnancy

Prevention Folate supplement given every day H20 Soluble B vitamin Essential for amino acid synthesis and rapidly dividing cells Reduces homocysteine levels by returning it to methionine

Domestic Animals Occurs in animals Dogs and cats Signs are mostly in pelvic limbs, as well as urinary/fecal incontinence that can be accompanied by sacrocaudal dysgenesis. Surgical procedures may help control difficulties and even correct condition

Treatment Meningocele can be treated surgically to restore normal spinal cord function Myelomeningocele spina bifida is operated on within 48 hours after birth to prevent severe bacterial infection. Surgeons place the spinal cord back in the canal and cover it with muscle and skin. Paralysis and bowel problems still persist after surgery.

Fetal Surgery Treatment Benefits Decrease handicaps Corrected brain malformations Risks Infection Blood loss Premature delivery Organ immaturity Death
