Program Update For
Compliance PBMAS (Performance Based Monitoring) –Moved from Stage 4 w/on-site TEA visit to Stage 1B ( 3 indicators caused citation) Performance of special education students on TAKS Over-representation of African-Americans in SPED Discretionary placements in ISS –Core team met and divided into focus groups to review data and set goals
Compliance –On-going work District policies and procedures are being revised to better meet needs of campuses and provided clearer guidance of requirement processes RTI (Response to Intervention)—campus teams have been trained and are implementing; will be revised as needed Corrective actions for compliance issues previously stated—all issues from are now considered closed and accepted by TEA
Programming Program evaluation conducted by MP Consulting, LLC provided SPED areas to address: –Communication –Staffing –Inclusion training (continue & increase) –Transition & State Performance Plan indicators –RtI (not SPED) –District-wide Positive Behavioral Support (not SPED)
Programming Additional program areas being addressed: –LIFE Skills training for effective goal writing for student success/achievement –Re-organization of staff duties and placements –Transition guidelines and processes –Behavioral strategies and technical assistance –Parent information updates
Goals for Reorganize dept. staff & functions to provide faster, more appropriate response to campuses Ensure all guidelines & processes are available to principals and staff members Improve communication efforts among all stakeholders Build internal capacity of staff so outside consultants are no longer needed to assist with program improvement and quality provision of services