Transition to (National – U.S.) Common Core Literacy Standards in the Content Areas FCASD Secondary Program Overview prepared with support from the AIU - Christopher Caton June 2012; July 2012 update Reading Standards for: History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects, Writing Standards for: History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects FCASD is addressing this as literacy in all content areas
What are the Common Core State Standards/CCSS ? State led - coordinated by NGA (National Governor’s Association) Center and CCSSO (Council of Chief State School Officers) Rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards Internationally benchmarked so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society
Background Continuation of NCLB encouraged by refined educational ideology and direction. Intent: raise educational rigor and achieve state/national standards. 48 States adopted Common Core or version thereof. PA has altered Common Core to a minimal extent to meet existing – (a) assessment tools expectations – (b) common language use. Transition timeline: – phase in beginning in 2012 – 2013; guided by AIU Consultant & FCASD Think Tank – expectation for integration of practices in the 2013 – 2014 school year
Driving Forces Leading to CC Literacy Standards in the Content Areas Based on a range of national and internationally benchmarked assessments: 1.Intensity of Rigor: – proficiency in most state level standardized assessments fall below the proficiency on the NAEP (nation’s report card) – performance declines in upper grades - students lose momentum in high school – student readiness for college/work at an all time low. Inadequate: – Verbal reasoning ability – Understanding of words used in text – Background knowledge about domains represented in text – Familiarity with semantic and syntactic structures that assist with the understanding between relationships and IDEAS 2.Communications on a national level: discrepancy in proficiency measures across states - uneven student expectations - lack of focused guideposts for parents, educators, students 3.International measures & comparisons: country falling behind; U.S. curriculum tends to be wide as opposed to deep - compared with other successful countries 4
Profile of a Common Core Graduate Responsive to varying audience, points of view, tasks, purpose, disciplines Independent learner and thinker -- focus on metacognition: self assessment, goal setting/plan-making….) ; able to comprehend and critique works of quality and substance Values evidence and supports related to argument Development of skills and attributes in the areas of: – communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking – technology and digital media Understanding of other Perspectives/Cultures
Overarching themes Common Core Standards support and encourage: A high degree of rigor, metacognition, and student collaboration. Emphasis on non-fiction occurs throughout the grades as well as increasing the amount of student reading. Technology embedded throughout learning experiences and emphasis on the use of digital resources. Speaking and Listening standards are much more specific. Writing on a daily basis for a variety of purposes – academic writing – argument/explanation/research Relevant levels of Text complexity - prominent addition (with exemplars) Specificity and scaffolding of standards provides vertical articulation to support text complexity. Text connections throughout the grade levels.
ELA/Literacy Common Core Focus Reading – Foundational skill acquired K-5 Writing Speaking & Listening Language Content-area subjects incorporation and cross-curricular implementation of reading & writing.
PA Common Core Standards Focus Adjusted to meet State expectations/needs: – Foundational Skills – Reading Informational Text – Reading Literature – Writing – Speaking and Listening
College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards Appendix A: Research behind the standards and a glossary of terms Appendix B: Text exemplars illustrating complexity, quality, and range of reading appropriateness Appendix C: Annotated samples of student writing at various grades Appendix D: Literacy standards for History and Social Studies Reading Informational Text Reading Literature Foundational Skills Writing Speaking & Listening A necessary component of an effective, comprehensive reading program designed to develop proficient readers. Enables students to read, understand, and respond to informational texts. Enables students to read, understand, and respond to literature. Develops the skills of informational, argumentative, and narrative writing as well as the ability to engage in evidence based analysis of text and research. Focuses students on communication skills that enable critical listening and effective presentation of ideas. Appendix E: Literacy standards for Science and Technical Subjects PA Common Core Standards English Language Arts & Literacy
Overall Charge Increase depth of knowledge with metacognition development throughout all grade levels bands. Metacognition development through learning skill acquisition within grade level bands. Cyclone of learning that revisits metacognition development (learning strategies) throughout grade level bands.
Recognizing Rigor; Equalizer Planning Tool
Recognizing Rigor “ Depth of Knowledge” tool; DOK A tool and scale of cognitive demand levels (thinking) to align standards with assessments Based on the research of Norman Webb, University of Wisconsin Center for Education Research and the National Institute for Science Education Defines the “ceiling” or highest DOK level for each Core Content standard for the state assessment Guides item development for state assessments
Depth of Knowledge Levels (DOK) DEFINITIONS Level 1.0 Recall & Reproduction Student recalls facts, information, procedures, or definitions. Level 2.0 Skills & Concepts Student uses information, conceptual knowledge, and procedures. Level 3.0 Strategic Thinking Student uses reasoning and develops a plan or sequence of steps; process has some complexity. Level 4.0 Extended Thinking Student conducts an investigation, needs time to think and process multiple conditions of problem or task. 14
Depth of Knowledge The Depth of Knowledge is NOT determined by the verb, but the context in which the verb is used and the depth of thinking required.
Exploring “The Cognitive Rigor Matrix” (K. Hess) Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Levels applied to Bloom’s [Cognitive Process] Taxonomy
Consider appropriateness in task rigor: The zone of proximal development has been defined as “the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers” (Vygotsky, 1978) In other words, it is the range of abilities that a person has to perform tasks with assistance, but cannot yet perform independently. Rigor and ZPD - The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
Producing Cognitive Sweat! Meeting the Rigor of the Common Core
Standard Coding/Numbering Similar to existing standard coding system Language collaboration between existing standard and Common Core language
CC B PA Common Core Grade Level English Language Arts Speaking & Listening Standard 2 Reading PA Common Core Coding/Numbering