2007 Interim Results 7 September 2007
Agenda Financial Highlights Updates on Operations Business Outlook
Financial Highlights
1H / 2007 (HK$ M) 1H / 2006 (HK$ M) Turnover Profit / (Loss) Attributable to Equity Shareholders 5.0(21.1) Interim Results
Turnover Breakdown by Business
Turnover Breakdown by Region
1H/2007 (HK$ M) 1H/2006 (HK$ M) Turnover Cost of Services(165.3)(167.5) Gross Profit Other net income Revaluation gain on investment property -0.1 Administrative Expenses(37.1)(35.4) Profit from Operations Consolidated Income Statement (1)
1H/2007 (HK$ M) 1H/2006 (HK$ M) Profit from Operations Finance costs(28.7)(31.0) Share of results of jointly controlled entities (0.6)(0.5) Profit / (Loss) before taxation11.7(17.2) Income tax(7.3)(4.5) Profit / (Loss) after taxation4.4(21.7) Attributable to: Equity shareholders of the Company5.0(21.1) Minority interests(0.6) Profit / (Loss) after taxation 4.4(21.7) Earnings / (Loss) per share – Basic (HK cents) 1.22(5.12) Consolidated Income Statement (2)
Expenses Breakdown
Cost of Service Breakdown
EBITDA Margins Note: EBITDA Margin represents earnings before interest income / expenses, other income, taxation, depreciation, amortization, impairment loss and share of results of jointly controlled entities as a percentage of turnover.
Asset & Liabilities Total AssetsHK$3,320 million Total LiabilitiesHK$1,334 million Bank borrowings due within one year HK$187 million Bank borrowings due after one year HK$675 million (As at 30 June 2007)
Cash Free Cash:HK$375 million Pledged Deposit :HK$77 million (As at 30 June 2007)
Updates on APT’s Operations
Singasat Pte Limited20.33% China Telecommunications Broadcast Satellite Corporation 16.26% CASIL Satellite Holdings Limited14.95% China Aerospace Science & Tech. Corporation 8.85% Kwang Hua Development & Investment Limited 7.40% 67.79% Principle Shareholders (including both direct and indirect interests as of 30 June 2007)
Transponder Utilization Rates As at 30 June 07 APSTAR VI66% APSTAR V67%
SS/L FS1300 Commenced operation in August 2004 APT keeps 23 C & 12 Ku The mission life is over 15 years High utilization rates with further increase potential Provides versatile services including DTH, internet, VSAT services in the region with interconnection to USA. APSTAR V
APSTAR VI Alcatel SB4100C1 High-power satellite with 38 C-band and 12 Ku-band Started commercial operation on June 7, 2005 Operation mission life over 15 years Significant increased in utilization rate
Strategic Alliance with Intelsat Signed framework agreement with Intelsat in December 2006 Expand business with combined satellite capacities and ground resources Provide broadcasting, telecom & uplink services
Satellite TV Broadcasting Platform APT Satellite TV Development Ltd. (A Subsidiary) Successfully established a satellite TV uplink and broadcasting services platform for broadcasting services under the Satellite TV Uplink and Downlink Licence of Hong Kong SAR As at June 30, 2007, the Broadcasting Platform uplinks and broadcasts up to 70 satellite TV channels
APT Telecom Services Limited ( a subsidiary) Provides VSAT, wholesales voice services, facilities management services and teleport uplink services to Hong Kong and Asian telecom users including satellite operators, telcos, ISPs & wholesale voice players Provides two-way satellite internet services and teleport uplink services Satellite-based Telecommunications Service
Data Centre APT Satellite Telecommunication Ltd., a jointly controlled entity. Provide Data Centre Business with its Telepark Total floor area: 16,890 sq. m. Support broadcasting and telecom services of the Group Revenue will start in Q4 2007
New Satellites in China Market Two new satellites launched in mid 2007 Market competition more intense Some satellite TV programs movements occurred APSTAR VI has taken up some new customers and new usages in Ku band As a whole, APT’s revenue is not adversely affected by these movements APT continues to pursue both China and overseas market for growth
Business Outlook Broadcasting and telecom businesses will grow steadily Market competition will still be fierce due to supply over demand Better competitive edges help further increase utilization rates Continue to expand in overseas market
APT Satellite Holdings Limited 7 September