Winnie the Pooh (The Search for the Honey) By Hanna Jamei
In the a far-off forest called The Hundred Acre Wood, there lived a bear named Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh was a kind, humble, and thoughtful bear who very much enjoyed honey. It was his favorite food in the entire world. However, on this particular day, Pooh woke up and found that he had no honey in his house. Pooh had Bulimia, and honey was the only food that made him happy. Bulimia is an eating disorder characterized by bouts of extreme overeating followed by depression and self-induced vomiting, purging, or fasting.
As Pooh wondered about his missing honey, an idea popped into his head. “If I don’t have honey, than I will go find some” thought Pooh. So Pooh set off through the forest in search of more honey. Pooh had a very good internal locus of control. On the way he ran into his friend, Rabbit, who was tending to his garden. Pooh asked “Hello Rabbit, do you happen to have any honey?” Internal locus of Control is when you control your own environment and fate.
As Rabbit was about to answer, suddenly an orange blob came out of nowhere and tackled Rabbit to the ground, causing him to crush his crops. “Hello Rabbit! I was just hopping my way around, and I saw you and I just had to bounce over here and say hi! Oh, and you’re here to Pooh, Oh Joy!”exclaimed Tigger. Tigger had ADHD. ADHD is a personality disorder characterized by hyperactivity and attention deficiency.
“My Garden, it’s ruined, and you!” Rabbit screamed at Tigger “You just caused me a mess, why can’t you be more careful? Now I have to replant my crops, water them exactly every 2 hours, put exactly 1 ½ pound of fertilizer, and wait for the sun to come out at exactly 3:00 p.m and…!” As Rabbit yelled angrily, he compulsively tended to his ruined garden. Rabbit had a serious problem with OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a psychological disorder characterized by obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions.
While Rabbit yelled over his garden and Tigger bounced off, distracted by a squirrel, Pooh set off on his journey for honey. Later, he ran into his friend Piglet, who was hanging out with Roo, who was imprinted on his mother Kanga. Pooh asked Piglet if he wanted to join him and Piglet followed, showing conformity. Imprinting is when a newborn develops attachment to the first person it sees when it’s born, and conformity is when a person follows the crowd.
As Pooh and Piglet set off through the Hundred Acre Woods, Pooh lost Piglet in the woods but instead ran into his friend Eeyore, who was sulking off by himself. Eeyore had major depressive disorder because he did not believe in the Just- World Phenomenon after having been abandoned as a small donkey..“Hello Eeyore, do you happen to have any honey?” Pooh asked. Major Depressive Disorder is a mood disorder characterized by extreme depression and hopelessness, and Just World Phenomenon is the belief that good things will happen to good people.
“I guess I do have honey, what do you know?” sighed Eyeore. Pooh, who was determined to get the honey, politely asked Eyeore, “May I have the honey, Eyeore?” “Sure, I don’t deserve anything anyways”, Eyeore mumbled. Eyeore went into his house made of sticks and brought out the honey for Pooh. Pooh stuck his hand into the honey and ate the sweet treat.
“Thank you Eyeore, I will see you another time my friend”. With that, Pooh left Eyeore happily with the jar of honey in his hands. As Pooh walked and ate, he saw a tall figure approaching him. Well, this figure was no stranger to Pooh, no, not at all. In fact, it was Pooh’s best friend, Christopher Robin.
The young boy noticed his friend and said, “Hello Pooh, I see you got a jar of honey there”. Pooh smiled at his friend, “Hello Christopher Robin, Eyeore was kind enough to give this jar of honey to me”. Christopher Robin looked surprised and asked Pooh, “Eyeore gave that to you?” Pooh answered, “Yes”.
“Pooh, can I tell you something?” Christopher Robin wondered. “Yes, you may”, replied Pooh. Christopher Robin beckoned Pooh to sit and Pooh did so willingly. “Listen Pooh, Eyeore is a good friend to you and he likes to give you things. Don’t you think, maybe once, you should return the favor?” questioned Christopher Robin.
Pooh thought long and hard about Christopher Robin’s words and realized he was right. Eyeore did give Pooh nice things but Pooh never returned the favor to Eyeore. After Pooh was done thinking, he replied, “I suppose, but what can I give to Eyeore?” asked Pooh. “How about you share your honey, Pooh”, stated Christopher Robin.
Pooh stared down at his jar of honey. He did love the sweet treat, and very much at that. But he knew he had to do the right thing. After all, friendship was very important to Pooh, even more important than the delicious honey. So with that, Pooh walked with Christopher Robin back to Eyeore’s house.
When they arrived, they noticed that a gust of wind must of blown because Eyeore’s house of sticks was destroyed. Pooh walked up to Eyeore and held the honey out in front of him, “Eyeore, would you like to share this honey with me?” And for the first time, a small smile appeared on Eyeore’s face as he spoke, “Alright then”. The two friends sat down together and began to eat the delicious honey.
Christopher Robin approached the two friends and exclaimed, “And when your done eating, we’d be happy to help fix your house, Eyeore”. Eyeore looked at Christopher Robin, then at Pooh who was smiling and nodding his head, agreeing with Christopher Robin’s idea. “Yes, That will do”, replied Eyeore.
The End :D