Writing Across the Curriculum One way to facilitate critical thinking
What is it? n Movement to broaden the scope of student writing beyond the confines of the English Department n Based on the notion that writing increases subject area knowledge n Based on the notion that the subject area provides a necessary context for writing instruction
Major writing projects n Long papers typically require students to use skills such as: interpretation, analysis, evaluation, explanation, self-regulation n Students need guidance in order to use these skills n One way to do this: provide a rubric
Assessing writing (you) n Take one minute to think of 3-5 criteria that could be used to evaluate writing in a variety of disciplines n Turn to a neighbor or two and compare lists. Make a group list n Share with the big group n (This was an example of “Think- Pair-Share”)
Assessing writing (me) n Washington Senior-Level Writing Study developed a rubricrubric n This rubric used in a variety of disciplines including business, chemistry, education, history n I have used this in Issues in Science and Religion n Insight Assessment has writing rubrics as well rubrics
Small writing projects n Not all writing across the discipline assignments need to be major n Short, informal exploratory assignment help instructors with formative evaluation and help students learn course material n One good example of a short writing project: one minute paper
One minute paper n Summarize what you know about the senior-level writing rubric I just shared. You have 1 min. n Read your paper to your neighbor n Helps students organize thoughts n Immediate feedback for the instructor n Grade on participation only OR make it a small part of the course grade
Important Links n Statewide Senior-Level Discipline- Based Writing Rubric rces/writing/writing_rubric.html n Insight Assessment Rubrics writing_rubs.html n One-Minute Papers apers/minutepapers1.htm