NEW TEST Q&A Amelia Brailsford Office of Assessment
How is the new test going to be different than PACT? PACT Four tests: ELA, mathematics, science, social studies. All tests in May. All tests a combination of multiple-choice and constructed-response items. New Test Five tests: Writing, ELA, mathematics, science, social studies. Writing in March; all other tests in May. Except for Writing, multiple- choice, only.
How is the new test going to be different than PACT? (Cont.) PACT Read aloud at grade 3 Total scores for each test. Scores reported at four levels: Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, and Advanced. New Test No tests to be read aloud Reports will include information at the standard-level as well as total scores. Scores reported at three levels: Not Met, Met, and Exemplary
Will science and social studies continue census testing at the same grade level? Science and social studies –Grades 4 and 7 take both –Grades 3, 5, 6, and 8 take either
How will the standard-level information be reported? Current thinking – not scaled scores Similar to HSAP reporting
How are questions being developed? Contract with Pearson Item writers trained to our standards/support documents. Review by SDE. Review by content/bias review committees.
Will there be a new writing rubric? Currently working with a committee Recommending revisions to current rubric Revision are primarily in the conventions domain essment/NewAssessmentProgramGr3- 8./writing
When will we see sample items for the new test? essment/NewAssessmentProgramGr3-8./
When will cut-scores be established for the new test? Summer of 2009 Scores available fall of 2009 Education Oversight Committee
How will the new test be used to meet federal requirements? Student Performance Levels Exemplary – Exemplary performance in meeting grade level standards. Met – Met grade level standards. Not Met – Did not meet grade level standards. For reporting AYP, students scoring at the Met and Exemplary level will be considered proficient.
EOCEP Current Tests: Algebra 1/Mathematics for the Technologies 2, English 1, United States History and the Constitution, and Physical Science Biology –Fieldtest: spring 2008, spring 2009 –Administer: beginning fall 2009 Continue to administer physical science until Biology approved by federal Peer Review for use with NCLB
Contact Information Amelia Brailsford –