The 9 circles of High School Hell By: Alyssa Palchetti Period: 3
Circle 1 Sinners: those who step on your heels in the hallway. Punishment: one foot is sewn to the heel of the other foot. This is an appropriate punishment for the sin because the sinner gets to experience the feeling of getting their heel stepped on for eternity.
Circle 2 Sinners: those who cut in the lunch line. Punishment: their fingers and toes must be cut off. This is an appropriate punishment for the sin because if they want to cut in line they should be cut.
Circle 3 Sinners: those who fight. Punishment: they must be continuously punched in the face. This is an appropriate punishment for the sin because if they want to physically hurt someone they should be physically hurt for eternity. An eye for an eye.
Circle 4 Sinners: those who talk back to faculty. Punishment: lectured by the deans while having to scrape gum off of desks. This is an appropriate punishment for the sin because if the sinner feels that they need to speak out inappropriately they need to be talked to while scraping gum off of desks because everyone hates those two punishments.
Circle 5 Sinners: those who ditch classes. Punishment: stuck in whatever class they hated most while doing loads of work. This is an appropriate punishment because if the sinner did not want to be in that class in the first place they should have to be there for eternity.
Circle 7 Sinners: those who cheat. Punishment: their eyes are continuously poked while their hands are cut off. This is an appropriate punishment because those who cheat use their eyes to look over and their hand to write down the answers. So their eyes and hands need to be impaired.
Circle 8 Sinners: those who bully. Punishment: they must be tied to a tree while the people they bullied come by and torment them. This is an appropriate punishment because those who feel the need to bully other people need to be bullied themselves.
Circle 9 Sinners: those who do drugs and drink alcohol. Punishment: they must be stabbed by needles and eat broken alcohol bottles. This is an appropriate punishment because doing drugs and drinking alcohol is stupid and they should be continuously stabbed by the needles they used for drugs and the many alcohol bottles they drank from.