The Bass Clef
Let’s start with a staff: A staff is five lines and the four spaces that are in between. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
If you put a line on each side of a staff….. Then you get what’s called a measure! __________________________________ I_________________________________I I_________________________________I I_________________________________I I_________________________________I
Measures then form the lines that we put the music on I I I I II I I I I II I I I I II These measures and lines are used for treble OR bass clef! The thing that makes the difference is the symbol at the front.!
Bass Clef Symbol
With the bass clef symbol on the clef, we play or sing lower notes. Each line and space will symbolize a note for us to play or sing For the purpose of this presentation, I will be only using whole notes, but any kind of rhythm can be used on the staff.
Here is a bass clef on the staff:
Now for the notes! Remember, in music the notes go from A- G then repeat ABCDEFGABCDEFGABCDEFG etc. ALWAYS Use capital letters when talking about the notes on the staff!
We begin giving the lines and spaces letter names from BOTTOM to TOP
The lines are: G B D F A
Also known as: G reat B ig D ogs F ight A lways
Or: G reat B ig D reams For A mericans
The lines on the clef look like this
The Spaces are: A C E G
Also known as: A ll C ars E at G as
Or: A ll C ows E at G rass
Or: A ll C ats E at G arbage
The Spaces on the clef look like this:
All the notes on the staff look like this:
In the next few weeks, we will be learning more about these notes!
The End