The project is supported by the European Commission under the ICT thematic area of the 7th Research Framework Programme Dr. Franjo Cecelja Process & Information Systems Engineering Research Centre (PRISE), University of Surrey Seventh Framework Programme: New Opportunities for International Cooperation – Brokerage Session Kharkov, 2010 Semantic Web Technologies & Applications
The project is supported by the European Commission under the ICT thematic area of the 7th Research Framework Programme Description of the Organization/Company PRISE activities are in the area of application of analytical and information systems to provide solution to industrial and medical problems: –Application of Knowledge Based Systems (ontologies) and Semantic Web Technologies to design and synthesis of renewable energy (oil) facilities; –Design and implementation of digital libraries for geosciences; –Design and implementation of Semantic Web Service Architecture based platform to support operation of Industrial Symbiosis; –Development of various domain ontologies. PRISE currently has two academics, three RAs and five PhD students working on 4 research projects (2 FP7), to include i) optimisation of biorefining SC, ii) generic algorithm for multiscale modelling, iii) geosciences digital library, and iv) semantic web platform for Industrial Symbiosis.
The project is supported by the European Commission under the ICT thematic area of the 7th Research Framework Programme Relevant Research Topics of the Organization/Company List of research topics corresponding to FP7 ICT –BEinGRID: application of grid computing with focus on engineering applications (design of reactor network) –TechSight: to exploit recent advances in knowledge-based and other systems to turn it into an effective resource to enable businesses; –SemanticEarth: digital libraries and content - development of a universal multilingual digital library for geosciences –Among others
The project is supported by the European Commission under the ICT thematic area of the 7th Research Framework Programme Research Topics where Cooperation is Sought Applications of semantic web technologies with focus on collaborative applications: semantic web architecture for collaborative and intelligent activities Application of cloud computing: concept, collaborative arrangements Knowledge based systems: to support research and business activities in specific domain: geosciences, process industry, measurement …