Conjugal Roles The division of labour in marriage
Segregated and Joint roles Segregated – husbands go out to work, wives responsible for housework and childcare. Leisure time also spent apart – the “traditional” picture. Joint – sharing of roles. Women work, men share domestic tasks. More likely to spend leisure together too
Functionalists and “symmetry” Functionalists such as Parsons, Wilmott and Young have argued that industrialisation has led to egalitarian marriage, joint conjugal roles in the symmetrical nuclear family
Critiques of functionalist view Anne Oakley highly critical of methodology of W and Y. Barrett argues women’s work outside the home limited to that which is compatible with family commitments (patriarchical ideology Pahl even unemployed men expect their wives to do the bulk of the housework
Critiques of functionalist view 2 Stephen Edgell – wives still defer to husbands in decision making Lydia Morris – unemployed men even less likely to share domestic tasks – a threat to their “masculinity” already damaged by unemployment Elston – only a small minority of professional couple have joint conjugal roles
Conclusions There is some evidence of change in conjugal roles However it is clear that the equality and symmetry the functionalists speak of is somewhat idealised. Now try the Cloze activityCloze activity