1 Background image taken at 100,000 feet by a student BalloonSat Executive Committee Update National Council of Space Grant Directors Fall Meeting Atlanta, Georgia October 26, 2008 Executive Committee Update National Council of Space Grant Directors Fall Meeting Atlanta, Georgia October 26, 2008
2 Background image taken at 100,000 feet by a student BalloonSat Since We Last Met…
3 Background image taken at 100,000 feet by a student BalloonSat Summer Vacation? Summer Vacation
4 Background image taken at 100,000 feet by a student BalloonSat Summer Vacation? Summer Vacation
5 Background image taken at 100,000 feet by a student BalloonSat Summer Vacation? Summer Vacation
6 Background image taken at 100,000 feet by a student BalloonSat Special Thanks To… Bill Garrard Council Chair Bill Garrard Council Chair
7 Background image taken at 100,000 feet by a student BalloonSat What Ex-Comm is Doing For You! What Ex-Comm is Doing For You!
8 Who Is Your Ex-Comm? Chris Koehler (CO)Chair Chris Fritsen (NV)Vice-Chair Peter Sukanek (MS)Treasurer Gerado Morrell (PR)Secretary Bill Garrard (MN)Past Chair Peter Schultz (RI) Jeff Hoffman (MA) Barrett Caldwell (IN) Chris Brown (NC) John Gregory (AL) Erian Armanios (GA) Bill Byrd (IA)Nominating Committee Chair
9 If Elected Chair, I Would:
10 If Elected Chair, I Would: - Represent the interests and needs of the council and its membership to NASA leadership - Lead the council and its membership through future opportunities and issues - Provide meaningful and regular communications throughout the year - Meet regularly with NASA leadership to discuss ways to strengthen and grow our program
11 If Elected Chair, I Would: - Help identify and develop collaborations within the National Space Grant program - Listen to the Space Grant related the issues and concerns of each state Director and work to find solutions - Keep the national meetings on schedule and on target with longer networking breaks
12 What the Chair Does…
13 What the Chair Does…
14 What the Chair Does…
15 What the Chair Does…
16 What the Chair Does…
17 What the Chair Does…
18 What the Chair Does…
19 Telecons: - Monthly NASA Telecons with NASA HQ
20 What Ex-Comm is Doing For You: - Monthly Ex-Comm Telecons
21 Transition Meeting: - August 7 – 8, 2008 Washington, D.C.
22 What Ex-Comm is Doing For You: Budget
23 What Ex-Comm is Doing For You: Budget
24 What Ex-Comm is Doing For You: - Surveys
25 What Ex-Comm is Doing For You: - Surveys
26 What Ex-Comm is Doing For You: - Subcommittees
27 What Ex-Comm is Doing For You: - Subcommittees
28 What Ex-Comm is Doing For You: - Newsletters
29 What Ex-Comm is Doing For You: - 20 th Year PPR
30 What Ex-Comm is Doing For You: - 20 th Year PPR
31 What Ex-Comm is Doing For You: “You can tell people I've just started a new type of chemotherapy which we have big hopes for; that I'm active and working, although confined to home, and that I enjoy hearing from everyone.” Bill Hiscock (MT)
32 Questions / Comments?