MCAS Results Report to School Committee 2003 MCAS Results October 21, 2003
New Baseline Changes in the Testing Program Results by Performance Category for the District and Individual Schools Comparable Communities Next Steps
Changes in Testing Program No Average Scaled Scores New Testing Requirement for LEP Students BHS tested 102 LEP students, 81 of whom would have been previously exempt! EJH tested 148 LEP students, 127 of whom would have been previously exempt! There were 164 students in grades 3, 4, & 6 who would have been previously exempt!
MCAS Testing Program High Stakes/High Standards Grades tested: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10 Tonight’s focus: English/Language Arts Mathematics
Performance Categories Category Advanced Proficient Needs Improvement Failing/Warning Score Range proficient [240 = proficient] passing [220 = passing]
MCAS 2003 Changes in Performance Categories by Grade
Percentage of Students in Warning/Failing Category ELA MATH year Grade [13] State Grade [15] [26] State Grade [36] State Grade [13] State Grade [57] State Grade [14] [33] BHS [13] [32] State
Percentage of Students in Advanced /Proficient Category ELA MATH year Grade [44] State Grade [40] [23] State Grade [27] State Grade [37] State Grade [14] State Grade [57] [36] BHS [59] [37] State
Individual School Results Changes in Performance Categories
Grade 3 Percentage of students in warning category ELA year Angelo [17]16% Arnone [14]29% Ashfield Belmont St [ 3]18% Brookfield Davis [14]15% Downey Franklin Gilmore [12]28% Hancock Huntington Kennedy [4]15% Plouffe Raymond Whitman LEP
Grade 3 Percentage of students in adv/prof category ELA year Angelo [43]16% Arnone [39]29% Ashfield Belmont St [61]18% Brookfield Davis [40]15% Downey Franklin Gilmore [21]28% Hancock Huntington Kennedy [52]15% Plouffe Raymond Whitman LEP
Grade 4 Percentage of students in warning category ELA MATH year Angelo 6% [9] [17] Arnone 17% [19] [30] Ashfield Belmont St. 33% [18] [42] Brookfield Davis 13% [23] [25] Downey Franklin Gilmore 22% [35] [47] Hancock Huntington Kennedy 24% [ 9] [16] Plouffe Raymond Whitman LEP
Grade 4 Percentage of students in adv/prof category ELAMATH year Angelo 6% [56] [41] Arnone 17% [43] [20] Ashfield Belmont St. 33% [25] [11] Brookfield Davis 13% [32] [14] Downey Franklin Gilmore 22% [16] [ 8] Hancock Huntington Kennedy 24% [59] [38] Plouffe Raymond Whitman LEP
Grade 6 Percentage of students in warning category MATH year Angelo [32] 7% Arnone [30]11% Ashfield Belmont St [41]18% Brookfield Davis Downey Franklin Gilmore [49]21% Hancock Huntington Kennedy [31] 16% Plouffe Raymond Whitman LEP
Grade 6 Percentage of students in adv/prof category MATH year Angelo [48] 7% Arnone [43] 11% Ashfield Belmont St [16] 18% Brookfield Davis Downey Franklin Gilmore [ 9] 21% Hancock Huntington Kennedy [31] 16% Plouffe Raymond Whitman LEP
Grade 7 Percentage of students in warning category ELA year North South East [11]20% West LEP
Grade 7 P ercentage of students in adv/prof category ELA year North South East [35]20% West LEP
Grade 8 Percentage of Students in Warning Category MATH year NJH SJH EJH [58]21% WJH LEP
Grade 8 Percentage of Students in Adv/Prof Category MATH year NJH SJH EJH [11]21% WJH LEP
Grade 10 Percentage of Students in Failing Category ELA year BHS [13] 8% MATH year BHS [32] 8% LEP
Grade 10 Percentage of Students in Adv/Prof Category ELA year BHS [59] 8% MATH year BHS [37] 8% LEP
Performance Levels by School ELA % Warn Math % Warn grade year Angelo [17] [ 9] [17] [32] Arnone [14] [19] [30] [30] Ashfield Belmont [ 3] [18] [42] [41]
Performance Levels by School ELA % Adv/Prof Math % Adv/Prof grade year Angelo [43] [56] [41] [48] Arnone [39] [43] [20] [43] Ashfield Belmont [61] [25] [11] [16]
Performance Levels by School ELA % Warn Math % Warn grade year Brookfield Davis [14] [23] [25] Downey Franklin
Performance Levels by School ELA % Adv/Prof Math % Adv/Prof grade year Brookfield Davis [40] [32] [14] Downey Franklin
Performance Levels by School ELA % Warn Math % Warn grade year Gilmore [12] [35] [47] [49] Hancock Huntington Kennedy [ 4] [ 9] [16] [31]
Performance Levels by School ELA % Adv/Prof Math % Adv/Prof grade year Gilmore [21] [16] [8] [9] Hancock Huntington Kennedy [52] [59] [38] [31]
Performance Levels by School ELA % Warn Math % Warn grade year Plouffe Raymond Whitman
Performance Levels by School ELA % Adv/Prof Math % Adv/Prof grade year Plouffe Raymond Whitman
Performance Levels by School ELA % Warn Math % Warn grade year NJH SJH EJH [11] [58] WJH BHS [13] [32]
Performance Levels by School ELA % Adv/Prof Math % Adv/Prof grade year NJH SJH EJH [35] [11] WJH BHS [59] [37]
Comparable Communities
Percent of Regular Program Students in Warn/Fail Category Grade ELA ELA ELA ELA Math Math Math Math Brockton Boston Chelsea Chicopee Fall River Holyoke Lawrence Lowell Lynn New Bedford Pittsfield Revere Springfield Taunton Worcester
Percent of Regular Program Students in Adv/Prof Category Grade ELA ELA ELA ELA Math Math Math Math Brockton Boston Chelsea Chicopee Fall River Holyoke Lawrence Lowell Lynn New Bedford Pittsfield Revere Springfield Taunton Worcester
Percent of All Students in Warn/Fail Category Grade ELA ELA ELA ELA Math Math Math Math Brockton Boston Chelsea Chicopee Fall River Holyoke Lawrence Lowell Lynn New Bedford Pittsfield Revere Springfield Taunton Worcester
Percent of All Students in Adv/Prof Category Grade ELA ELA ELA ELA Math Math Math Math Brockton Boston Chelsea Chicopee Fall River Holyoke Lawrence Lowell Lynn New Bedford Pittsfield Revere Springfield Taunton Worcester
Proficiency Index
No Child Left Behind [NCLB] Reauthorization of the Improving America’s Schools Act Will require testing in Language Arts and Math for all students in grades 3-8 Requires all students to score in the Proficient range by 2014 Measures progress using a Proficiency Index
MCAS §Is the assessment instrument used in Massachusetts to implement NCLB §The Proficient category is represented by a score of much higher than the passing score of 220 §LEP students who were exempt from testing in 2002 were tested in 2003
NCLB §A new standard: Proficient [240 & above] §A new measure: Proficiency Index
Proficiency Index measures how close a school is to having all students score in the Proficient/Advanced categories [ ] Failing/Warning Needs Improvement Proficient Advanced points 100 points 25 points 50 points 75 points Target For All Students [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Next Steps
Revision of School Improvement Plans Development of Individual Student Success Plans Increased professional development in literacy instruction Professional development in teaching vocabulary Increased application of classroom assessment
Next Steps Increased professional development in test-taking strategies Continued emphasis on Collins Writing Program Expanded professional development in the instruction of English Language Learners
Next Steps Increased implementation of standards-based math program Collegial sharing of best practices