July 06, 2006 – TAC Meeting 1 TPTF Update Trip Doggett
July 06, 2006 – TAC Meeting 2 Agenda ItemDescriptionPurpose 1. Meeting SummarySummary of recent TPTF activitiesFor review 2. Training Audience Matrix and Course Curriculum Descriptions TPTF requests TAC review and feedback on our draft Training Audience Matrix and Course Curriculum Descriptions Request Review & Feedback
July 06, 2006 – TAC Meeting 3 Meeting Summary Meetings June 5, 6, & 7 and June 26 & 27 On June 5, 6, & 7, we discussed: Nodal Program Update Reviewed proposed duties and required authorities for Market Participant Executives, Accountable for Market Participant’s Nodal Readiness Training Update Net Metering NPRR Nodal PRRs Reviewed Section 4, 6 and 9 draft NPRRs On June 6, TPTF approved Section 9 draft Nodal PRR by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with abstentions by City of Dallas and Residential Consumers. All market segments, except the Cooperative segment, were present. This PRR will be sent to PRS. On June 7, TPTF approved Section 4 draft Nodal PRR by a ballot vote of 82.1% in favor, with two negative votes by City of Denton and Exelon and abstentions by Calpine and Occidental. All market segments, except the Cooperative segment, were present. This PRR will be sent to PRS.
July 06, 2006 – TAC Meeting 4 Meeting Summary On June 26 & 27, we discussed: Nodal Program Update Training Update, including Training Audience Matrix and Course Curriculum Descriptions (more later) Incorporation of Zonal PRR 307 into Nodal Protocols Net Metering NPRR Protocol clarifications under consideration Section 3 Outage Scheduler clarifications ( 3.1.6(2)(b), (3), , and ) Section , Real-Time Data Inputs Section , Credit Limit clarification Reviewed list of Commercial Operations Business Requirement Docs Reviewed DAM Ancillary Service Business Requirements Document Requested volunteers to participate with ROS in Principles of Consistency Task Force Requested comments on Post-Nodal Implementation Plan
July 06, 2006 – TAC Meeting 5 Meeting Summary Next meetings Monday, July 10 and Tuesday, July 11 Monday, July 24 thru Wednesday, July 26 Will be discussing: NDSWG and ERCOT Staff comments on NPRR002, Section 3 NPRR to incorporate PRR307 functionality Treatment of CRR Credit Limit (Section ) DAM Energy Settlements Business Requirements Document Section 6 draft NPRR NPRRs for Section 2, 16, 22H (Std MP Form), 22F (RMR) Summary of TPTF’s NPRR Activity Sections approved by TPTF: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 Sections approved by PRS: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 Reviewed, but not yet approved, by TPTF: 6 Still needing TPTF review: 2, 16, 22H, 22F
July 06, 2006 – TAC Meeting 6 Training Audience Matrix and Course Curriculum Descriptions On June 27, TPTF reviewed the Training Audience Matrix and Course Curriculum Descriptions TPTF approved a motion to send both documents to TAC (Training Curriculum and Spreadsheet) as modified by TPTF for review with the stipulation that the Training Curriculum is a living document meant to be updated as the process evolves and that "TPTF Approved as of June 27, 2006" is added to title of Training Curriculum. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with one abstention by CenterPoint Energy. All market segments were represented. Please review and provide comments to by July
July 06, 2006 – TAC Meeting 7 Training Audience Matrix The training matrix intersects MP roles with training courses and indicates whether the course is mandatory, highly recommended, or recommended for each role.
July 06, 2006 – TAC Meeting 8 Need MP Input We want each MP to indicate the number of people from their company who need to attend each class to satisfy readiness requirements.
July 06, 2006 – TAC Meeting 9 MPs will enter input into matrix... MPs can enter a number directly into the spreadsheet in every cell that has a value (M, HR, R) ERCOT will use this information for planning and budgeting.
July 06, 2006 – TAC Meeting 10 To measure Market Readiness... To measure the readiness of market participant personnel, as required by the ERCOT Transition Plan, we will use the numbers in the mandatory (M) cells. We will calculate the total number of market participants that plan to attend mandatory training, apply the “Percentage Market Readiness Criteria”, and compare that number to the total number of attendees that successfully complete the training.
July 06, 2006 – TAC Meeting 11 Course Curriculum Descriptions Based on the samples of training curriculum in Table 1 of the ERCOT Transition Plan Includes: Description of course Length of course Material covered Target audience Timing of completion Required test scores Percent of the total market participant population that must complete the class to declare market readiness
July 06, 2006 – TAC Meeting 12 Questions