ASME C&S Training Module A3 MODULE A - ADMINISTRATIVE SUBMODULES A1. Tools and Resources A2. Codes and Standards Products A3. Membership Maintenance A4. Honors and Awards A5. Publishing Codes and Standards
ASME C&S Training Module A3 REVISIONS DATESLIDECHANGE 7/10/ Notes 23 Notes 24 Notes First sentence revised. First answer revised. Second bulleted item revised. First bulleted item revised.
A3. Membership Maintenance
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 3 OBJECTIVES This submodule will –Review the organization and administration of C&S Committee membership
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 4 AGENDA I.Committee Structure II.Officer Election Options III.Appointment of Individual Members of the Committee IV.Appointment of Delegates V.Membership Records
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 5 I. COMMITTEE STRUCTURE
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 6 COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Consensus Committee –The group composed of the individual members of the Standards Committee Standards Committee –The consensus committee plus delegates
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 7 CONSENSUS COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Individual Members –Technically qualified –Participate as individuals not representatives –Duties Consider subjects brought for action Vote on proposals Contribute expertise Advise on personnel –May participate via attending meetings, correspondence, telephone or other electronic means
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 8 CONSENSUS COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Alternates –Attends meetings or intends to vote on standards actions –Proposed by member, subject to approval of the committee and board –Same category of interest as member or interest class that maintains balance –Acts for member in member’s absence –Has the privileges of the member –Alternate’s vote only counts if member didn’t vote –Service ends at member’s request or return/resignation of member
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 9 CONSENSUS COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Representatives –Intended to act on the member’s behalf at a meeting –Proposed by member, subject to approval by the Committee Chair –Must have already signed or must sign sign Participation Acknowledgement Form –May only vote on actions other than standards actions –Service ends at conclusion of meeting at which the individual is representing the member
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 10 STANDARDS COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Delegates –Not required to be technically qualified –Participate as individuals representing a group outside of the US or Canada –Each group represented shall be a recognized organization within its country. –The method for selecting a prospective delegate is at the discretion of each group. –The appointment of a delegate may be limited in scope relative to the charter of the standards committee, as determined by the consensus committee.
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 11 STANDARDS COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Delegates –Duties Consider subjects brought for action Vote on first consideration recorded votes on standards actions Comment on all reviews of standards actions prior to vote Contribute expertise –May participate via attending meetings, correspondence, telephone or other electronic means
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 12 STANDARDS COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Delegates –Alternates Delegates are permitted to appoint alternates, to vote in place of the delegate on standards actions.
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 13 STANDARDS COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Officers –Chair Presides at meetings Elected –Vice Chair Presides in absence of Chair Elected –Secretary Standards Committees, Boards – appointed from Directorate; non-voting Subordinate groups – Secretary may be a member
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 15 STANDARDS COMMITTEE OFFICER ELECTION Timing –Begin 6 months before expiration of incumbent’s term Chair & Vice Chair Election Options –Weighted ballot –Nominating Committee NOTE: Elections are usually conducted via secret ballot.
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 16 ELECTION OPTIONS Chair & Vice Chair by weighted ballot –Letter ballot –Member assigns numbers to choices 3 = First choice 2 = Second choice 1 = Third choice –Run-off ballot for two top scoring candidates –Winner: candidate with highest total –Subject to Supervisory Board approval
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 17 ELECTION OPTIONS Chair & Vice Chair by Nominating Committee –Chair appoints committee of 3+ members –Nominating Committee nominates two candidates –Consensus committee votes on candidates
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 18 OFFICER TERMS Chair and Vice Chair –3-year term –Terms of Chair and Vice Chair should coincide
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 19 1.When should the process of electing a new Chair begin? _______ 2.How many officer positions will probably have to be filled for this committee? _______ The Chair’s term is scheduled to end in June of next year. POP QUIZ #1
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 20 a.Chair b.Vice Chair c.Secretary d.Members e.Alternates serving for a member f.Other alternates Which of the following are NOT voting members of a Standards Committee? POP QUIZ #2 (Extra Credit)
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 22 INTEREST CLASSIFICATION Definition –Identifies interest of member’s primary source of support –Must be approved –Examples Manufacturers Users Regulatory General Interest
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 23 INTEREST CLASSIFICATION Purpose –Used to ensure balanced representation –Requirements: Safety Standards: not more than 1/3 from any single category Product standards: no majority Member/Alternate must be same category or alternate shall have an interest classification that maintains the required balance.
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 24 APPOINTMENT OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Process –Applicant completes Personnel Form (PF-1) –If applicant’s first appointment to a C&S Committee: Receives Society Policies on –Ethics (15.7) –Conflict of Interest (15.8) –Society name, etc. (14.6) Receives PAF form Required to return signed PAF form (cont’d)
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 25 APPOINTMENT OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Process (cont’d) –Committee’s considerations include Committee needs Applicant qualifications Interest category –Next higher committee votes on recommended appointment –Appointed for 5 years
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 26 APPOINTMENT OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Participation acknowledgement Form (PAF) –Form indicates member… Agrees to adhere to policies Acknowledges ASME ownership of materials –Required for all members –Signed PAF kept on file
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 27 REAPPOINTMENTS/ TERMINATIONS/ RESIGNATIONS Reappointments –At the discretion of the committee Terminations –Chair must review members annually –Chair may recommend termination –Member may appeal Resignations –Member should notify committee at earliest possible time
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 29 INTEREST CLASSIFICATION Delegates –Delegates are classified in accordance to the predominant interest of the member’s group, for information only. –The classification will not be used in determining whether the committee has balanced representation.
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 30 APPOINTMENT OF DELEGATES Process –Each group recommends an individual to represent them. –The group also provides an explanation of their interest in participating. –Delegates are sent PF-1 application and Society Policies 15.7, 15.8 and 14.6 and are required to sign PAF –Next higher committee votes on recommended appointment
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 31 REAPPOINTMENTS/ TERMINATIONS/ RESIGNATIONS Reappointments –At the discretion of the committee Terminations –Chair must review delegates annually –Chair may recommend termination –Delegate may appeal Resignations –Delegate should notify committee at earliest possible time
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 32 1.Would this be a good choice? _______ 2.Why or why not? _______ You work for an equipment manufacturer and serve on a committee whose standards affect your company’s equipment. You are considering as an alternate a friend who works for a user of your company’s equipment. POP QUIZ #3
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 33 V. MEMBERSHIP RECORDS
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 34 MEMBERSHIP RECORDS ASME Database –Data on all C&S volunteers –Standard Reports Committee Rosters AS-11 Online Personnel Directory
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 35 MEMBERSHIP RECORDS Committee Rosters –Produced for each committee –Gives, for each committee member Contact Information Membership Expiration Date Interest Classification Code
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 36 MEMBERSHIP RECORDS AS-11 Online Personnel Directory –Contact information for all C&S volunteers –Fully searchable database –Listing by committee –Committee charters –Continuously revised NOTE: Members can correct contact information on ASME website
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 37 1.Where would you look to find the committee’s charter? a.ASME database b.Committee Roster c.AS-11 2.What is the first step to gaining membership? ______ You are considering applying for membership in a C&S committee. POP QUIZ #4
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 38 SUMMARY I.Committee Structure II.Officer Election Options III.Appointment of Individual Members of the Committee IV.Appointment of Delegates V.Membership Records
ASME C&S Training Module A3 Slide 39 REFERENCES –Personnel Form (PF-1 Form) s_Standards.cfm –ASME Society Policies (incl. P-15.7 on Ethics, P-15.8 on Conflict of Interest, and P-14.6 on Society Name, Seal, Emblem, Initials, Titles, Identification, and Certificates) –AS-11 cfm?View=AS11 –Update Contact Information