Challenge: Get Safer + More Efficient
Who is Zonar
Based in Seattle, 175 Employees Privately Held Fastest Growing Telematics Company > 120,000 Vehicles Deployed Supplier to Truck OEM/MFG Good People, Team of Owners Only Federally approved E-Inspection Company
“Pre-Trip complete, send it to the shop” WWI Carrier Pigeon
“Our system works” WWII Telegraph If only I could read this guys hand writing...
The new system works a lot better… U.S. CENTCOM
Challenge: Inspection Compliance Pre-trip and post-trip inspections are often performed inadequately.
CHANGE VEHICLE INSPECTION FROM A PAIN TO A GAIN EVIR ® : Electronic Verified Inspection Report Automates and verifies inspections, easily Improves maintenance and speeds repairs, measurably Drivers like it, really
Verified Machine Inspections
MSHA In 2009, MSHA issued 177,596 violations that were assessed civil penalties totaling $141,004,814 amounting to an increase of 71,819 violations from the previous year and an increase of $16,036,496 -in the amount of the fines since assessed. These are nationwide statistics for M/NM”
MSHA REGULATIONS Per 30 CFR § Parking procedures for unattended equipment. What is the definition of “equipment”? (company pickup truck, vendors trucks, haul trucks, loaders, track equipment, etc.?) Can employees’ personal vehicles be cited under this standard? Who receives that citation? (company or vehicle owner?) Answer: Any and all mobile equipment is included in the definition of “equipment.” Personal vehicle is included in definition only if used in the mining process (i.e. maintenance vehicle or when used to get to the job site) or wherever the vehicle can expose miners to a hazard. The mine operator will be cited when the vehicle is found to be out of compliance with the rule.
Off-Road Fuel / Spatially Encoded Fuel Automatically detect off-road fuel Off-Road fuel tax implications